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Archive for September, 2006

Dictatorship : Death Wish: The Presidential Prerogative of Murder

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Death Wish: The Presidential Prerogative of Murder

First published in The Moscow Times on Nov. 2, 2001. Yes, that’s how long Bush has claimed the absolute power of life and death over every single person on earth.

“Augurs and understood relations have…brought forth the secret’st man of blood.”
– Shakespeare, Macbeth.

The president of the United States has now assumed the power to order the murder of anyone on earth.

It’s no joke. The Washington Post reports this week that George W. Bush has signed an executive order giving himself the right to issue death warrants for any individual he deems a terrorist or terrorist supporter. These people will be killed in secret by the CIA, without any pretense of due process, without defense or appeal.

Such “targeted killings” – which have worked so well in making Israel the secure and peaceful place it is today – could also include the financial backers of terrorist activity. Good thing this executive order was not in effect during the 1930s, when Bush’s grandfather, Prescott, was one of the biggest financial backers of a terrorist organization known as Nazi Germany. Indeed, Bush was in so deep with Hitler that he kept doing business with Nazis even after American soldiers were being ripped by German lead in North Africa.

Ordinarily, this kind of thing might be called treason – but as we all know, the niceties of law and morality don’t apply to the Bushes of this world. Prescott’s Nazi assets were finally seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act – but it was all hush-hush, on the QT. After all, he was a pillar of the Establishment, and had a good lawyer working the case for him: Allen Dulles, a founding father of the CIA.

Now the CIA – which operates out of a building named for Prescott’s son, the “George H.W. Walker Center for Intelligence” – will be murdering the designated victims of Prescott’s grandson. What lovely historical symmetry, eh?

Bush’s license to kill leaves the meaning of “terrorist” and “terrorist supporter” deliberately vague. The definition is entirely up to the president: there is no legislative oversight, no judicial review, no public scrutiny. If he wants you dead, he can have you killed. It’s as simple as that.

This official acceptance of the principle of extra-judicial murder degrades the American government to the level of moral savagery. It is the same “principle” underlying all terrorist activity: a threat to a group’s interests is arbitrarily defined by its leaders, who then act arbitrarily, lawlessly, to eliminate the threat. It is the same principle invoked by bin Laden to defend Muslim lands from “infidels.” It is the same principle invoked by the Taliban when they assassinated moderate Afghan leader Abdul Haq last week. It is the same principle invoked by Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian doppelgangers as they trade “targeted killings” and civilian murders. It is the same principle once invoked by Prescott’s pal Hitler to defend Aryan “purity” by killing Jews.

It is the principle of evildoers, men of blood, murderers and beasts.

And it is now a guiding light of the “civilized” world.



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Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism

Legislation tolls the bell for the day America died, birth of the dictatorship

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | September 29 2006

Buried amongst the untold affronts to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the very spirit of America, the torture bill contains a definition of “wrongfully aiding the enemy” which labels all American citizens who breach their “allegiance” to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.


After five hours of searching through the 80-plus page bill, Alex Jones, who won the 2004 Project Censored award for his analysis of Patriot Act 2, uncovered numerous other provisions and definitions that make the bill appear as almost a mirror image of Hitler’s 1933 Enabling Act.

In section 950j. the bill criminalizes any challenge to the legislation’s legality by the Supreme Court or any United States court. Alberto Gonzales has already threatened federal judges to shut up and not question Bush’s authority on the torture of detainees.

“No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any claim or cause of action whatsoever, including any action pending on or filed after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, relating to the prosecution, trial, or judgment of a military commission under this chapter, including challenges to the lawfulness of procedures of military commissions under this chapter.”

The Bush administration is preemptively overriding any challenge to the legislation by the Supreme Court.

The definition of torture that the legislation cites is US code title 18 section 2340. This is a broad definition of torture and completely lacks the specific clarity of the Geneva Conventions. This definition allows the use of torture that is, “incidental to lawful sanctions.” In alliance with the bill’s blanket authority for President Bush to define the Geneva Conventions as he sees fit, this legislates the use of torture.

The media has spun the bill as if it outlaws torture – it only outlaws torture for “enemy combatants,” and in fact outlaws the retaliation of any military against the United States as “murder.” Those deemed “enemy combatants” are not even allowed to fight back yet the government affords itself every power including the go-ahead to torture.

Further actions that result in the classification of an individual as a terrorist include the following.

– Destruction of any property, which is deemed punishable by any means of the military tribunal’s choosing.

– Any violent activity whatsoever if it takes place near a designated protected building, such as a charity building.

– A change of the definition of “pillaging” which turns all illegal occupation of property and all theft into terrorism. This makes squatters and petty thieves enemy combatants.

In light of Greg Palast’s recent hounding by Homeland Security, after they accused him of potentially giving terrorists key information about U.S. “critical infrastructure” when filming Exxon’s Baton Rouge refinery (clear photos of which were publicly available on Google Maps), sub-section 27 of section 950v. should send chills down the spine of all investigative journalists and even news-gatherers.

“Any person subject to this chapter who with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign power, collects or attempts to collect information by clandestine means or while acting under false pretenses, for the purpose of conveying such information to an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

Subsection 4(b) (26) of section 950v. of HR 6166 – Crimes triable by military commissions – includes the following definition.

“Any person subject to this chapter who, in breach of an allegiance or duty to the United States, knowingly and intentionally aids an enemy of the United States, or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

For an individual to hold an allegiance or duty to the United States they need to be a citizen of the United States. Why would a foreign terrorist have any allegiance to the United States to breach in the first place?

This is another telltale facet that proves the bill applies to U.S. citizens and includes them under the “enemy combatant” designation. We previously cited the comments of Yale law Professor Bruce Ackerman, who wrote in the L.A. Times, “The compromise legislation….authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights.”

The New York Times stated that the legislation introduced, “A dangerously broad definition of “illegal enemy combatant” in the bill could subject legal residents of the United States, as well as foreign citizens living in their own countries, to summary arrest and indefinite detention with no hope of appeal. The president could give the power to apply this label to anyone he wanted.”

Calling the bill “our generation’s version of the Alien and Sedition Acts,” the Times goes on to highlight the rubber stamping of torture.

“Coerced evidence would be permissible if a judge considered it reliable — already a contradiction in terms — and relevant. Coercion is defined in a way that exempts anything done before the passage of the 2005 Detainee Treatment Act, and anything else Mr. Bush chooses.”

Since with this bill, in the aggregate, Bush has declared himself to be above the Constitution and the laws of the United States, the allegiance of American citizens is no longer to the flag or the freedoms for which it stands, but to Bush himself, the self-appointed dictator, and any diversion from that allegiance will mandate arrest, torture and conviction in a military tribunal under the terms of this bill.

Similar to the UK’s Glorification of Terrorism law, which top lawyers have slammed as vague, open to interpretation and a potential weapon for the government to kidnap supposed subversives, the nebulous context of “wrongfully aiding the enemy,” could easily be defined to include publicly absolving an accused terrorist of involvement in a terrorist attack.

That renders the entire 9/11 truth movement an aid to terrorist suspects and subject to military tribunal and torture. In addition, Bush’s recently cited National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, which is available on the White House website, labels conspiracy theorists as terrorist recruiters.

This should leave us with no doubt as to which parties are the target of the government’s torture and intimidation campaign.

Could protesting a war approved by the government and their bootlickers in Congress and the Senate be considered breaching an allegiance to the United States? Could campaigning against the bombing of a target country be considered wrongfully aiding the enemy?

When the USA PATRIOT act was rushed through at the height of an anthrax scare without any members of Congress even having time to read it, we were assured that it was to fight terrorists and would not be used against the American people.

Since then a plethora of cases whereby the USA PATRIOT act was used against U.S. citizens emerged, including the internment without trial for over three years of Jose Padilla, an American citizen who was finally released after no evidence of terrorism was uncovered.

The so-called “compromise” before the bill was passed and the media acclaim of John McCain as some kind of human rights champion is one of the biggest con jobs ever inflicted upon the American people.

Shortly after the bill was finalized it was spun by Bush security advisor Stephen Hadley as “good news and a good day for the American people.” McCain said that it safeguarded “the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions.”

In truth the legislation does the exact opposite, giving Bush carte blanche to “interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions.”

In addition, under the bill, “No person may invoke the Geneva Conventions or any protocols thereto in any habeas corpus or other civil action or proceeding to which the United States, or a current or former officer, employee, member of the Armed Forces, or other agent of the United States is a party as a source of rights in any court of the United States or its States or territories.”

The bill also allows hearsay evidence (obtained via phony confessions after torture) to be considered by the military tribunal and bars the suspect from even having knowledge of the charges against him – making a case for defense impossible. This is guaranteed to produce 100% conviction rates as you would expect in the dictatorships of Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe and other torture protagonists who are in many cases allied with the Bush administration and provide phony confessions obtained from torture that allow the U.S. government to scare its people with the threat of imaginary Al-Qaeda terror cells waiting to kill them.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling to previously strike down Bush’s shadow penal system, Alberto Gonzales is already out threatening federal judges to shut up and get behind the dictator or face the consequences.

Gonzales has the sheer gall to attack judges for even considering to “overturn long-standing traditions or policies without proper support in text or precedent,” which is exactly what Gonzales, Bush and the rest of the White House criminals are doing themselves by de facto abolishing the Bill of Rights!

This is a dark day for the United States, the day America died and the bastard birth of a literal dictatorship.

RELATED: Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children


See Also:

Thunder on the Mountain: The Murderers of Democracy

Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 – 2006)

“A Total Rollback Of Everything This Country Has Stood For”

New legislation authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants;article=105042;title=APFN

Death Wish: The Presidential Prerogative of Murder

Attorneys For Guantanamo Detainees Could Be Detained As Enemy Combatants Under New Legislation

A Personal Declaration of Independence


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Dictatorship : US Congress legalizes torture and indefinite detention

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Dictatorship :

US Congress legalizes torture and indefinite detention

By the editorial board

29 September 2006

The legislation adopted by the House of Representatives Wednesday and the Senate Thursday, legalizing the Bush administration’s policy of torture and indefinite detention without trial, as well as kangaroo-court procedures for Guantánamo detainees, marks a watershed for the United States.

For the first time in American history, Congress and the White House have agreed to set aside the provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and formally adopt methods traditionally identified with police states.

This bill is the outcome of a protracted process of decay of American democracy, which has accompanied the immense growth in social inequality and reached a turning point in the stolen election of 2000. In early December of 2000, on the eve of the US Supreme Court ruling that halted the counting of votes in Florida and awarded the presidency to George W. Bush, who had lost the popular vote nationally to his Democratic opponent Al Gore, David North, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of the US and chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, in a report on the US election crisis said:

“What the decision of this court will reveal is how far the American ruling class is prepared to go in breaking with traditional bourgeois-democratic and constitutional norms. Is it prepared to sanction ballot fraud and the suppression of votes and install in the White House a candidate who has attained that office through blatantly illegal and anti-democratic methods?

“A substantial section of the bourgeoisie, and perhaps even a majority of the US Supreme Court, is prepared to do just that. There has been a dramatic erosion of support within the ruling elites for the traditional forms of bourgeois democracy in the United States.”

The Supreme Court ruling and the refusal of the Democratic Party to oppose it demonstrated that there remained no significant constituency within the American ruling elite for the defense of democratic rights.

The battery of police state measures enacted by the Bush administration, without any serious opposition from within the political establishment, has confirmed this analysis.

The Military Commission Act of 2006 will do far more than set down the procedures to be used to rubber-stamp the incarceration of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay and other US-run detention camps throughout the world. It attacks the rights of all American citizens as well as all legal residents and other immigrants, who will now be subject to the threat of arrest and imprisonment for life, on the order of the president alone, without judicial review.

The legislation now goes back to the House of Representatives for a final vote Friday, to reconcile minor language differences between the two versions. President Bush is expected to receive the bill for signing by the weekend.

Under the terms of this law, the president may designate any person as an “unlawful enemy combatant,” to be rounded up by intelligence agents and jailed indefinitely without legal recourse. The law defines an “unlawful enemy combatant” as “an individual engaged in hostilities against the United States” who is not a regular member of an opposing army.

Given the Bush administration’s elastic view as to what constitutes “hostilities,” this definition has the potential to erase any legal distinction between an actual Al Qaeda terrorist, an Arab immigrant who makes a charitable donation to Lebanese relief, and an American college student who clashes with police during a protest demonstration against the Iraq war.

The legislation passed the House Wednesday with the support of 34 Democrats, who joined 219 Republicans in the lopsided vote of 253-168. The Senate adopted the bill the next day, by an even wider 65-34 margin, with 12 Democrats joining a near-unanimous Republican bloc.

Before voting on the overall bill, senators defeated four amendments: to restore habeas corpus rights for prisoners, defeated 51-48; to increase congressional oversight of the CIA torture program, which lost 53-46; to impose a five-year limit on the military commissions, which lost 52-47; and to ban specific, named torture techniques, which lost by a similar margin.

The sweeping legislation meets all the desires of the Bush administration except for an explicit repeal of the Geneva Convention. The White House agreed to slightly weaker language that gives the president the power to “interpret” the Geneva Convention to permit lesser forms of torture.

Its major provisions include:

* Authorizing the president to establish military commissions to prosecute detainees taken into US custody, either overseas or within the United States.

* Giving the military commissions power to determine punishment, up to and including death.

* Rules of evidence that permit hearsay evidence and testimony coerced from witnesses.

* Permitting the use of testimony obtained by “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment” if the torture took place before December 30, 2005, when it was banned by Congress.

* Allowing prosecutors to withhold from defendants evidence given to a jury, if it involves classified information, and substitute unclassified summaries.

* Stripping US courts of jurisdiction over detainees, and stripping detainees of their right to seek a writ of habeas corpus.

Violations of the Constitution

Many of the provisions of this legislation are flagrant violations of the US Constitution. This was acknowledged by Republican Senator Arlen Specter, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, who nonetheless voted for the bill after his amendment to restore habeas corpus rights was defeated.

Specter said in the debate that in denying habeas corpus rights for suspects detained in the “war on terror,” the bill “would take our civilized society back some 900 years” to the time before the adoption of the Magna Carta—the first elaboration of democratic principles under English law.

“What this entire controversy boils down to is whether Congress is going to legislate to deny a constitutional right which is explicit in the document of the Constitution itself and which has been applied to aliens by the Supreme Court of the United States,” he said.

Article I, Section 9 of the US Constitution declares: “The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” No one in the Bush administration or the congressional Republican leadership has suggested that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 constituted such an invasion. They simply ignore the clear language of the Constitution.

The bill’s other provisions also violate the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution, which spell out the requirements of a fair trial, based on the colonists’ bitter experience with the injustices of the British Crown. The Amendment reads:

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.”

Prisoners in Guantánamo and other US concentration camps will face trial by a panel of military officers, can be denied the right to see the evidence or witnesses against them, and will have lawyers hamstrung by being under the direct surveillance of the military and working under the authority of the commander-in-chief.

>From the standpoint of the Bush administration and the congressional Republican leadership, these gross constitutional violations are not a regrettable necessity but a positive good. They are whipping up public fear of terrorism not merely for short-term electoral purposes, but to lay the basis for a permanent shift to authoritarian forms of rule in the United States.

The role of the Democrats

The votes on four amendments Thursday allowed Senate Democrats to posture as defenders of civil liberties and constitutional freedoms. Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, for instance, denounced the elimination of habeas corpus protection for 12 million legal resident immigrants, as well as for immigrants without legal papers. The provision “makes a mockery of the Bush-Cheney lofty rhetoric about exporting freedom across the globe,” he said, adding, “What hypocrisy!”

Senator Carl Levin of Michigan said, “The habeas corpus language in this bill is as legally abusive of rights guaranteed in the Constitution as the actions at Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo and secret prisons that were physically abusive of detainees.”

But Leahy and Levin did not explain why they and other Democratic leaders refused to block a vote on the legislation through a filibuster, which requires only 40 votes to sustain. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid reached an agreement Wednesday evening with Majority Leader Bill Frist to allow votes on the four amendments in return for the Democrats refraining from any filibuster—although the Democrats filibustered on much less weighty issues, such as the appointment of a number of federal appeals court judges.

In his Senate floor speech, Leahy declared, “We are about to put the darkest blot possible on the nation’s conscience. This is so wrong. . . . It is unconstitutional. It is un-American.” Apparently not so wrong, or so dark a blot, as to impel the Democrats to actually oppose the Bush administration one month before an election.

Instead, Democrat after Democrat facing close contests sided with the Bush administration. The 12 Democratic senators who voted for final passage of the bill included, besides such open right-wingers as Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, liberals facing re-election contests such as Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan and Bill Nelson of Florida.

The 34 House Democrats included a number of right-wing Southern Democrats, but also several members of the Congessional Black Caucus and two congressmen who are Democratic candidates for the US Senate in next month’s election—Harold Ford of Tennessee and Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

Brown, a liberal, has sought to appeal to antiwar sentiment in Ohio, a state which has lost a disproportionate number of young men and women in Iraq, including two dozen from a single National Guard unit based in the Cleveland suburb of Brook Park. In an interview with, Brown said that detainees “are not soldiers, not combatants representing a government, these are terrorists.”

Of course, the ostensible purpose of a judicial proceeding is to determine, on the basis of evidence, whether the accused are actually guilty of the charges against them. Brown, like the Bush administration, assumes that all those seized by the CIA and the US military are guilty, and uses that presumption of guilt to justify star-chamber proceedings.

Brown rejected criticism of his complicity with the Bush administration, saying, “Some people just don’t want me to agree with George Bush on anything.”

The New York Times observed, in its editorial deploring in advance the passage of the bill, the year 2006 will go down in history for the passage of “a tyrannical law that will be ranked with the low points in American democracy, our generation’s version of the Alien and Sedition Acts.” But the newspaper did not attempt to give a serious explanation for this turn toward tyranny, or suggest a basis for fighting against it.

Nor could it, since the Times, along with the rest of the establishment media and both political parties of the American corporate elite, supports the so-called “war on terror,” which is a political fig leaf for the use of militarism and war in pursuit of the global aims of US imperialism. A policy of military aggression and conquest abroad is ultimately incompatible with democracy at home.

The struggle against authoritarian methods of rule must be taken up by the working class, the only social force within American society that retains a deep attachment to the defense of democratic rights. The prerequisite for this struggle is a break with the two parties of the American ruling elite and the building of a mass socialist movement of the working class.


See Also:
Senate-White House compromise sanctions CIA torture of detainees
[23 September 2006]
Republican senators’ resistance to Bush torture bill reflects tension between White House and military brass
[22 September 2006]
After the Supreme Court ruling
Congressional Democrats join with Republicans to maintain military commissions at Guantánamo
[1 July 2006]


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Christians: We’ll fight for Israel

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Christians: We’ll fight for Israel

Evangelical delegates from around the world arrive at Knesset to express ‘love for Israel’

Yaakov Lappin

Published: 09.27.06, 21:43

Millions of Evangelical Christians around the world support and constantly pray for the State of Israel , representatives at a meeting of the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus said Wednesday.

Dozens of Evangelical pastors, parliament members, and leaders from an array of countries gathered at the Knesset in Jerusalem to proclaim their support for the country, during a meeting of the Caucus, which was also attended by Knesset Members from across the political spectrum.

“We see Israelis as our spiritual mothers and fathers. It’s an honor for us to be here,” Pastor Norman Miller of Australia told Ynetnews. “We love your God, Israel,” Miller told the meeting, to a round of warm applause.

“The line between the political and the biblical is disappearing,” Josh Reinstein, Director of the Caucus, told the meeting. “Around the world, we see the rise of radical Islam come against our Judeo-Christian values, and we must meet it with a well organized response,” Reinstein said. “We formed the Christian Allies Caucus to coordinate cooperate and communicate with our Christian allies around the world… we want to work with you, and we thank you for your support,” he told delegates.

Speaking to Ynetnews, Reinstein said that modern events were shaping up to fit well with Torah prophecies. “If you can read the newspaper, than you can read the Torah, because things are coming into place like people have predicted many years before us.”

“This isn’t just a time to shake hands… this is really the start of a relationship, of a political relationship, and that means an economic relationship, a social cooperation, and that also means political support for the State of Israel,” he said.

Addressing concerns voiced by some about an alliance with Evangelical Christianity, Reinstein said: “Of course we have to be vigilant to make sure that we’re not working with organizations that are just befriending us to convert us, but what we are doing is finding real friends and creating real relationships, so we can promote each other.

“Evangelical Christians around the world are the greatest friends Israel has. And for us to turn our noses at them because of past transgressions is a ridiculous idea… the relationship between Jews and Christians in the 21st century is going to be the most important issue of our time, I think.”

Reinstein said concerns about the Evangelical belief in the second coming of Jesus were unfounded: “We also have our own beliefs. For our purpose, it’s completely irrelevant. If you’re a Jew and you’re concerned about what’s going to happen in the Christian faith, you’re not really a practicing Jews, because that’s something you shouldn’t be concerned about.”

‘We have soldiers for you’

During the lunch-meeting, delegates introduced themselves, declaring their love for Israel. A delegate from Africa said: “We have soldiers in Africa, not just spiritual soldiers, but those who even want to come and fight with you.” A Kenyan member of parliament said he would soon run for prime minister in his country, promising that should he win, “the next morning the Kenyan embassy would be moved to Jerusalem.”

“The friendship that we receive from you, our Christian friends, has significance far beyond the good feeling it gives to us Israelis,” Knesset Member Gilad Eran said. “It is clear proof to us, and to the whole world, and particularly to the terrorists, that Israel is not alone,” he said.

“It says in the book of Isaiah that Egypt, Israel, and Syria will worship God together,” Tom Hess, an American Evangelical pastor who has lived in Israel for the past 19 years, told the delegates.

“What’s beginning to happen in the Middle East is that there are Arab leaders that God’s raising up as pillars, that are standing with God’s covenant, that are saying the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people,” Hess said, introducing a number of Evangelical pastors from east Jerusalem, Egypt, and Turkey, described by Hess as “biblical Syria.”

“They are teaching their people in their nations, they are the leaders of their nations, against replacement theology, to stand with God’s

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covenant with the people of Israel and the Land of Israel,” Hess said.

Palestinian: Jerusalem belongs to Israel and Jesus

Amir Boutros, and Egyptian Christian, said to warm applause: “I assure you, Members of Knesset, and the government here in Israel, that no one can wipe away Israel. I’m not talking nonsense. It’s from my own experience. I’ve been in the Six Days war, 1967, fighting against Israel.

“And in those days, president Nasser assured to the whole world that he is going to wipe away Israel from the map… thousands of tanks and troops came to the border, and Nasser said that we are going to throw Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. But I tell you people, that the God of Israel is defending Israel.”

Boutros said he had a revelation, during which he was ordered by God to love Israel.

Naim Khoury, a Palestinian Christian, said he is “wanted” by Islamic groups, adding: “I believe the land of Israel is going to prosper… the Iranian president cannot touch this land, because it belongs to God’s chosen people. And God is going to protect this land, and keep Jerusalem a united city, forever and ever. Because Jerusalem does not belong to Iran, Hamas, Hizbullah, or Syria. It belongs to the State of Israel, and the great king the lord Jesus Christ.”



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Global anti-American feelings may take decades to fix

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Global anti-American feelings may take decades to fix

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — It may take decades to change anti-American feelings around the world that have been aggravated by war in Iraq, U.S. policy toward Israel and America’s “sex and violence” culture, the State Department official in charge of dealing with the U.S. image abroad said Thursday.

“The anti-Americanism, the concern around the world … this ideological struggle, it’s not going to change” quickly, Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes said in an interview with the Associated Press. “It’s going to be the work of years and maybe decades.”

A June poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that America’s image in 15 nations dropped sharply in 2006. According to that poll, America’s continued involvement in Iraq was seen as a worse problem than Iran and its nuclear ambitions.



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Where are all the dead Taliban?

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Where are all the dead Taliban?

British troops in Afghanistan are brave, says robert fox, but the body count doesn’t add up

Troops in line for VCs,” the Daily Telegraph trumpeted this week, claiming there had been recommendations for 180 gallantry awards for soldiers in Afghanistan, including six Victoria Crosses.

The news was given by “a senior Whitehall source” who explained just how tough the fighting had been and that the British were now winning against the Taliban.

Official spin of this kind frequently appears during controversial military campaigns. The line about six VCs for Helmand – “to be rushed through for Christmas,” as the Telegraph added breathlessly – has an echo of the Lancashire Fusiliers’ “Six VCs before Breakfast” for their assault on W Beach at Gallipoli on April 24, 1915.

The trouble is that, while there undoubtedly have been great acts of bravery in Afghanistan, the figures just don’t add up.

In the past two months ‘official sources’ have claimed that an aggregate of several thousand ‘Taliban’ have been killed by British, Canadian, Danish and special forces. The Nato commander, General Jim Jones, said last week: “It wouldn’t surprise me if 1,500 had been killed” by Canadian forces in Kandahar this month alone.

The numbers game – giving increasingly implausible counts of enemy dead – was one of the main factors that undermined the credibility of US forces in Vietnam.

If hundreds of Taliban really have been killed in one attack or another, it raises two questions: Who are they? And what on earth was the Blair government doing sending a force with initially only 650 combat troops against ‘thousands’ of Taliban fighters?

Only a few of the Taliban appear to be diehard followers of Mullah Omar Mohammed, who founded the movement in Afghanistan a dozen years ago. “I am afraid we have killed an awful lot of local villagers,” a special forces commander said this week.



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US Terrorize The World – 7 Ramadhan 1427 H (30.9.06)

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 30, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Dictatorship : US Congress legalizes torture and indefinite detention

For the first time in American history, Congress and the White House have agreed to set aside the provisions of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and formally adopt methods traditionally identified with police states.

The legislation adopted by the House of Representatives Wednesday and the Senate Thursday, legalizing the Bush administration’s policy of torture and indefinite detention without trial, as well as kangaroo-court procedures for Guantánamo detainees, marks a watershed for the United States.


Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism

Buried amongst the untold affronts to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the very spirit of America, the torture bill contains a definition of “wrongfully aiding the enemy” which labels all American citizens who breach their “allegiance” to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.


Thunder on the Mountain: The Murderers of Democracy

>From the New York Times:
The Senate today rejected an amendment to a bill creating a new system for interrogating and trying terror suspects that would have guaranteed such suspects access to the courts to challenge their imprisonment. The action set the stage for final passage of the bill, which was approved on Wednesday by the House of Representatives. The bill’s ultimate passage was assured on Wednesday when Democrats agreed to forgo a filibuster in return for consideration of the amendment. (For what the bill really means, see this excellent piece from Glenn Greenwald.)

Who are these people? Who are these useless hanks of bone and fat that call themselves Senators of the United States? Let’s call them what they really are, let’s speak the truth about what they’ve done today with their votes on the bill to enshrine Bush’s gulag of torture and endless detention into American law.


Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 – 2006)

I’d like those supporting this evil bill to spare me one affliction: Do not, please, pretend to be shocked by the consequences of this legislation. And do not pretend to be shocked when the world begins comparing us to the Nazis.


“A Total Rollback Of Everything This Country Has Stood For”

Sen. Patrick Leahy Blasts Congressional Approval of Detainee Bill

The Senate has agreed to give President Bush extraordinary power to detain and try prisoners in the so-called war on terror. The legislation strips detainees of the right to challenge their own detention and gives the President the power to detain them indefinitely.


New legislation authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants

America…You deserve what is being done to you! We are a bunch of gutless wonders who would make our forefathers nauseous if they knew how we act. We are letting our country be taken away from us and all we do is talk about it.

Our grandkids are going to hate us!;article=105042;title=APFN


Death Wish: The Presidential Prerogative of Murder

The Washington Post reports this week that George W. Bush has signed an executive order giving himself the right to issue death warrants for any individual he deems a terrorist or terrorist supporter. These people will be killed in secret by the CIA, without any pretense of due process, without defense or appeal.


Attorneys For Guantanamo Detainees Could Be Detained As Enemy Combatants Under New Legislation

On September 26, 2006, attorneys for the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) determined that what appears to be the final version of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 could allow the government to detain the attorneys themselves as ‘enemy combatants.’


A Personal Declaration of Independence

As a citizen of these United States for 70 years, I refuse to be ruled by a tyrant who imposes despotic, autocratic control on the citizens of these United States through a series of clandestine actions that usurp the rights of the people.


The Breaking Point : More than a half trillion dollars in 3 years.

The war is bankrupting the nation while grooming the next generation’s terrorists. This is the very definition of failure.


Screening “What is said about…Arabs & Terrorism”

>From the makers of the award-winning documentary “About Baghdad,” a ground-breaking documentary series is beginning its US tour this fall. “What is said about . . . Arabs and Terrorism” has been shown on satellite channels worldwide and is being screened successfully across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. We think your community will find this series
compelling and engaging and we would like to work with you to schedule a screening locally.

This documentary is a critical investigation of Western perceptions of Arabs and Muslims and their connection to “terrorism.” The most comprehensive audiovisual treatment of this topic to date, the project consists of over 125 interviews researched and filmed on location in 12 different countries and 6 different languages. These three episodes-Definitions of Terrorism, State Terrorism, and Terrorism and Resistance-follow the director, Professor Bassam Haddad, through the United States, Europe, and the Middle East as he converses with politicians, media personalities, academics, civil society advocates, accused terrorists/resistance leaders, and hundreds of people on the street in a direct, detailed investigation of the grammar and vocabulary of mainstream
Western discourse and its critics.


Global anti-American feelings may take decades to fix

It may take decades to change anti-American feelings around the world that have been aggravated by war in Iraq, U.S. policy toward Israel and America’s “sex and violence” culture, the State Department official in charge of dealing with the U.S. image abroad said Thursday.


Another Hideous US Crime against Humanity in Iraq

The US forces of occupation have added yet another massacre of civilians to its war criminal record in Iraq, when it executed a family of eight amongst which four women; two of which were pregnant, and arrested two other family members in the city of Baquba north east of Baghdad, reports a London based newspaper (28/9/2006).


Who Thinks Of These Type Of Operations? Eventually Israel/Zionists will control all of Iraq’s oil


Iraq : Our men and women are fighting and dying for this?

Under a broad new set of laws criminalizing speech that ridicules the government or its officials, some resurrected verbatim from Saddam Hussein’s penal code, roughly a dozen Iraqi journalists have been charged with offending public officials in the past year.


Book says Bush ignored urgent warning on Iraq

The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, according to a new book by Bob Woodward


At least 15 killed as bloody U.S. occupation grinds on

Gunmen firing from a car killed three Iraqi soldiers, two of them brothers, in the small town of Rashad, 20 km (12 miles) southwest of the northern oil city of Kirkuk, police said.


More Tortured Bodies Found In Baghdad

The corpses of six men and one woman were all found in east Baghdad neighborhoods. They were blindfolded, and had their hands and legs bound, police said.


Five killed in U.S. air strike -police, medics

Iraqi police and hospital officials said a woman and two children were among five people killed in an air strike on a car on Thursday, but the U.S. military said it was unaware of any such incident.


Two U.S. occupation force soldiers killed in Iraq

Two U.S. soldiers were killed in two incidents in the volatile Anbar province, the U.S. military said on Thursday.


U.S. army `coming to end of its rope’

Not only are troop levels not being reduced, but almost 8,000 soldiers have just had their 12-month tours of duty extended.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 28 September 2006.

  • Resistance bomb in al-Fallujah reportedly kills two US troops Thursday morning.
  • Four US troops reported killed in Resistance car bombing in western Baghdad Thursday afternoon.
  • Bodies of 61 torture murder victims found in various parts of Baghdad as US-Zionist-backed effort to split Iraq along religious and ethnic lines continues.
  • American troops greet new school year by rounding up elementary school children of Resistance fighters in Baghdad.
  • US soldier reported killed by Resistance sharpshooter in Baghdad’s al-A’zamiyah district.
  • Resistance bomb kills puppet “National Guards” in al-Fallujah.
  • Four US troops wounded in Resistance bombing in al-Yarmuk Thursday morning.
  • Sunnis take back mosque occupied by Shi’i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen two days earlier.
  • Resistance car bomber blasts into puppet army camp in Baghdad.
  • Resistance bombs rip through US supply convoy near Samarra’.
  • Bomb targets puppet police in Tikrit late Wednesday.
  • Resistance blasts US-occupied al-Bakr Air Base with mortars Wednesday evening.
  • Resistance car bomber kills four Kurdish mercenaries in attack on US base in Kirkuk Thursday afternoon.
  • British, Iraqi puppet forces launch sweep to retake control of al-Basrah from Shi’i sectarian militias.


Why NATO cannot win the Afghan war

Germane to the crisis in a fundamental sense is the hard reality that no matter the oft-repeated factor of a reasonably secure cross-border sanctuary in Pakistan, the Taliban have indeed staged a comeback in essence as an indigenous guerilla force capable of waging a long-term struggle. That is to say, the central issue is that the US has simply failed to come up with a winning political and military strategy in Afghanistan.


NATO occupation forces soldier killed in Afghanistan explosion

A NATO occupation forces soldier was killed in a blast in Afghanistan today during a patrol in the southern province of Kandahar, the force said.


Taliban say they shot “spy”

The Taliban claimed responsibility on Friday for executing a man described as a spy for US and Afghan intelligence in North Waziristan, a border region where the Pakistan government signed a pact with tribals a few weeks ago to stamp out militancy.


Why British government conceals true casualty figures in Afghanistan, Iraq?

British soldiers wounded in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are not eligible to timely help as the British government is reluctant to disclose the actual casualty figures in the two wars, recent media reports in Britain note.


Where are all the dead Taliban?

The figures just don’t add up.


Afghanistan: The Wild East

Sheer desperation is driving many Afghans back into the arms of the fanatical Taliban movement. Once again, the holy warriors have taken control of entire regions and are seeking to ensnare the Western allies in a bloody guerilla war.,1518,440017,00.html


Pakistan accused of hundreds of terror abductions

Pakistan has abducted hundreds of people as part of the U.S-led war on terror, often secretly holding them for months while they are interrogated, the human rights group Amnesty International said on Friday.


Hundreds of Terror Suspects Have ‘Disappeared,’ Rights Group Says

Hundreds of suspects connected with the war on terror in Pakistan have “disappeared,” and some detainees have been captured by bounty hunters and sold to America, according to Amnesty International.


RCMP chief apologizes to Arar for ‘terrible injustices’

RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli apologized to Maher Arar on Thursday and said he accepts all the recommendations of a report criticizing the RCMP’s role in the Canadian’s deportation to Syria, where he was tortured.


It’s official- RCMP no longer has any credibility in Canada

Ottawa stands by top cop RCMP commissioner grilled; Zaccardelli apologizes for Arar blunders but says he has no intention of resigning

Breaking 10 days of silence, the head of the RCMP offered a public apology yesterday to Maher Arar for the “terrible injustice” that he and his family suffered after the Mounties falsely labelled him a terrorist.


Professor Ghazi-Walid Falah seeks an apology from Israel concerning his unfair detention

Now after the dust has settled somewhat regarding the case of my recent detention by the Israeli secret police from 8 to 30 July, 2006 and my subsequent release without any charges (, the Israeli Ministry of Justice is sending a PDF file letter to many scholars around the world. The thrust of this letter is basically that my arrest and investigation were done in full compliance with Israeli law. The letter was dated September 6, 2006 —38 days after my release and following a number of interviews that I gave to the media in the US, Canada and Ireland, stating my version of truth about this political detention ( ) and my request for a formal apology from the State of Israel (


Bad faith and the destruction of Palestine

A mistake too often made by those examining Israel’s behaviour in the occupied territories — or when analysing its treatment of Arabs in general, or interpreting its view of Iran — is to assume that Israel is acting in good faith. Even its most trenchant critics can fall into this trap.


Two Palestinian boys killed by an Israeli drone

Two Palestinian boys were killed when an Israeli drone fired a rocket at them while they were cycling in occupied Beit Hanoun in the north of the Gaza Strip.


UN envoy says Israel guilty of ‘collective punishment’ in Gaza

Israel is guilty of “collective punishment” of the Palestinian people through its military actions in the Gaza Strip, a United Nations human rights official said Friday.


UN tells of Israeli border violation

Israel has violated the UN-drawn border it shares with Lebanon, the spokesman for the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon says.


UNIFIL confronts Israeli troops

U.N. peacekeeping forces in south Lebanon intervened for the first time Thursday with Israeli forces who arrested journalists in violation of Resolution 1701.


In case you missed it: Video: How Israel Treats Journalists

-:WARNING:- This video should only be viewed by a mature audience


Gonzales cautions judges on interfering

Gonzales has sent Justice Department lawyers into federal courts from coast to coast defending Bush’s detention of terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, his plans to try some of them before military tribunals and his use of the National Security Agency to wiretap Americans without court warrants when they communicate with suspected terrorists abroad.


This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like

The Washington Post simply referred to waterboarding a few days ago as an interrogation measure that “simulates drowning.” But what does waterboarding look like?


House passes warrantless domestic spying measure

Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, charged: “Hidden in the fine print are provisions which grant the administration authority to maintain permanent records on innocent U.S. citizens, granting the administration new authority to demand personal records without court review, and terminating any and all legal challenges to unlawful wiretapping.”


Legal residents’ rights curbed in detainee bill

A last-minute change to a bill currently before Congress on the rights of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay could have sweeping implications inside the United States: It would strip green-card holders and other legal residents of the right to challenge their detention in court if they are accused of being “enemy combatants.”


Ex-Prez Carter: Bush has brought U.S. “international disgrace”

Former President Carter is urging northern Nevadans to elect his son, Jack, to the Senate to help combat a Bush administration he says has brought “international disgrace” to the country.


Majority of Baptists Support Bush

The head of public policy for the Southern Baptist Convention says an overwhelming majority of Baptists still support President Bush and his handling of the Iraq war.


-muslim voice-

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9/11 : Driving While Muslim

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 :

Driving While Muslim

By Spencer Ackerman

09/28/06 “The Nation — — Dearborn, Michigan –Ali Houssaiky and Osama Abulhassan left their homes in this historic Muslim-American enclave as college students and came home as terrorists. On August 8 Houssaiky and Abulhassan drove to an Ohio Wal-Mart to buy hundreds of cheap cellphones, intending to sell them back to a distributor they knew to earn some extra cash for tuition. The Wal-Mart employee, fearing two young men of Arab heritage were terrorists, called police, who promptly apprehended Houssaiky and Abulhassan. Making matters worse, they were in Houssaiky’s mother’s car, which contained a manual outlining airline checkpoints, a necessity for her job at Royal Jordanian Airlines. To the police and the Washington County, Ohio, prosecutor, Houssaiky and Abulhassan were the sum of all fears: two young Arabs with airline manuals and hundreds of devices that could be used as bomb detonators.

Houssaiky and Abulhassan were quickly convicted in the press. “I went to our cell,” Houssaiky remembers. “The inmates showed us on TV, there was a line going across the screen [saying], Is This an Act of Terrorism at Work?” Yet within a week of their arrest, it became clear to prosecutors that there was no evidence linking either student to terrorism. Returning home to Dearborn, Houssaiky and Abulhassan called a press conference to denounce the “paranoia and xenophobia that is gripping the country.” To Houssaiky, the fact that he and his friend were cleared of all charges is no comfort. “The media made us into animals,” he says. “This is going to stick to us the rest of our lives.”

The persecution of Houssaiky and Abulhassan–two former high school football stars–underscores the sense of besiegement felt widely in this community of 35,000. Dearborn has been a magnet for Arab and Iranian immigrants for more than 100 years, and its streets and storefronts proudly display the signs of Middle Eastern-American culture: Mosques and community centers sit peacefully next to McDonald’s and Burger King along Dearborn arteries like Schafer Road and Warren Avenue. Yet over the past few months, and particularly during the Lebanon war, the Justice Department and the FBI have increasingly put Dearborn under collective suspicion. Nearly thirty people in the Dearborn area have been indicted on often-flimsy charges related to terrorism in the past three years, and more than half of them have been accused in the past four months. Assistant US Attorney Kenneth Chadwell, who heads the Justice Department’s efforts to investigate terrorism connections in Dearborn, told the Chicago Tribune in late July, “The question is: Are they loyal to the US or to this terrorist group Hezbollah?”

The answer Dearborn gives is that it’s loyal to both, in much the same way that many American Jews are Americans first, with a sentimental attachment to Israel. There is no doubt that much of Dearborn’s Muslim community, many of whom are Lebanese, Iraqi and Iranian Shiites, is sympathetic to Hezbollah, which the State Department designates as a terrorist organization. Some have gone beyond passive support. In March the US Attorney’s office indicted eighteen men for funneling profits from a Dearborn-operated cigarette-smuggling ring to Hezbollah, two of whom have pleaded guilty.

But most community leaders consider support for Hezbollah a derivative of Lebanese and Shiite identity, indicating support for resistance to Israel, not for terrorism. “Certainly there were a number of individuals, especially over the thirty-three days of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, who spoke very much in support of [Hezbollah], but they weren’t speaking in favor of the kidnapping of the two Israeli soldiers as much as they were speaking in favor of the sole institution there assisting the country during the invasion,” says Noel Saleh, president of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. “‘Hezbollah’ means in the West different things than it means in the East,” adds Mohammed Elahi, the Iranian-born imam of Dearborn’s Islamic House of Wisdom. “Muslims on the whole, especially Shiites, but even Sunnis, support the resistance in Lebanon.” Indeed, on a recent visit to Dearborn only days after the cease-fire took effect, I saw the red, white and green Lebanese flag everywhere–on shop windows, residential flagpoles and bumper stickers–but the yellow flag of Hezbollah was nowhere to be found.

It’s that constitutionally protected sympathy that Dearborn considers the reason for the Justice Department’s increasing scrutiny of the town. Not one resident has been charged with attempting to commit an act of terrorism against the United States, and Dawud Walid of the local Council on American-Islamic Relations insists that local leaders frequently inform the community of alternative, non-Hezbollah-linked Lebanese charities for their donations. The US Attorney’s office in Detroit declined comment for this story, and the Detroit FBI office referred questions to the Washington headquarters, which also declined to comment.

Perhaps the most painful aspect of the Justice Department campaign is the fact that before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, many of Dearborn’s Shiites, and especially its Iraqi expatriates, gave the Bush Administration the benefit of the doubt. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz hosted an anti-Saddam Hussein rally in Dearborn that February, where hundreds feverishly chanted, “Saddam must go!” Bush himself delivered a speech in the town shortly after the fall of Baghdad. In both cases, the message the Administration wished to send was clear: The authentic Iraqi and Arab reaction would be enthusiasm for the US invasion.

Now that the Administration looks unfavorably on a different aspect of Shiite identity, many here feel betrayed. “We feel like we’ve been used,” says Imam Husham al-Husainy of the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center, an Iraqi-American cleric who once led prowar rallies in Dearborn. “This turn of events, the very easy accusations of people, not to mention destroying their reputations, is very alarming,” adds Maha Hussain, a University of Michigan oncologist who hosted Wolfowitz at the Dearborn rally. “The Iraqi community put its trust in the Administration at the intention level and the competence level. Only God knows what their intentions were, but in terms of competence, at every step, they made the wrong choice. Iraq is destroyed.”

The destruction is hardly limited to Iraq. Chadwell’s prosecutorial team may well uncover financial ties between Dearborn and Hezbollah, although most that have emerged to date are trivial. What the United States may lose in the process is something far more valuable to its counterterrorism efforts: a viable Muslim-American identity. Unlike the disaffected Muslim minorities in Europe, “Muslims are part of this society, and no American Muslim has been involved in any terrorist activity,” observes Elahi. With Al Qaeda and other jihadist organizations increasingly reliant on radicalized Muslim minorities in the West to carry out attacks, an American Islam is as important as it is increasingly endangered.

“Sometimes it makes you schizophrenic,” Saleh admits. “We want the community to trust the law enforcement agencies and provide information to law enforcement…. But the willingness of the community to trust the fairhandedness of the police is diminishing.”

© 2006 The Nation Company, LP



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You Call Me “Terrorist”, I Call You Coward

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

You Call Me “Terrorist”, I Call You Coward

Dear “Terrorist” Child – Imprisoned in the Vortex of the Pax Americana

By Manuel Valenzuela

08/24/06 “Information Clearing House” — — Growing up, young child, as you surely are, affected in some way, shape or form by the tentacles of America’s malevolent imperialism in the Middle East, whether by market colonialism, economic genocide or military occupation, surely bitterness, hatred, rage and a thirst for vengeance are slowly yet inevitably building inside your tiny body. Like a seed planted into the fertile soils of American hegemony, sprouting in anger with every downpour of American interference in your land, over time nurtured to become a tree bearing the blowback fruit America will be forced to reap, ready to ripen at maturity, your emotions against the Empire growing stronger with every year that passes, with every act of further humiliation and dehumanization, with every display of blatant hypocrisy or lost opportunity, with every new maiming and death upon your family and people.

Whether living in lands overrun by American-sponsored and supported despotic, undemocratic puppets depriving you of real “freedom and democracy,” whether living under the billions-of-dollars-a-year in financial and military assistance American subsidized brutal Israeli occupation and apartheid in the world’s largest concentration camps, Gaza and the West Bank, whether living in lands under constant American military threats, sanctions and embargoes imposed on their citizens, depriving you of healthcare, opportunity, full nourishment and a chance to grow up as a child should, simply because your people happen to resist the Empire’s gluttonous desire for your nation’s location and/or resources, or whether subjected to American styled “birth pangs” of a new Middle East, living amongst the violence-riddled, security-absent, depleted uranium-infested, radioactive-filled rubble and destroyed infrastructures of Iraq, Afghanistan and recently Lebanon, now but birth pangs of death and destruction, not life and freedom, the claws of America’s appetite for the lands of the Middle East are as omnipotent as they are malfeasant, an inescapable reality for millions of Arab and Muslim children such as yourself whose only crime is being born Arab in lands deemed strategic and vital to the continued expansion of the greed-mongering American Leviathan.

Over the last several decades children just like you have had to confront the all-encompassing grip of American domination in the region, some, thankfully, less than others who have not been so lucky. Directly or indirectly, your destiny has in large part been engineered by the claws of American intervention in your country, creating, in large sectors of the population, vicious cycles of endemic poverty, uneducation, misery, bitterness, resentment and a simmering longing to release, sometimes violently, boiling emotions of pent up anger, if not at America directly then at her stooges acting as leaders. It has been you, the children of the region, who have suffered the most at the hands of the Evil Empire, millions upon millions of vibrant human energies ranging in age from the recently born to those teenagers forced by circumstance and tragedy to grow old before youth disappears.

The curse upon your lands is that which they call the devil’s excrement, for millions of years sitting idly below your ground, unseen, unknown and undiscovered, enormous fields of primitive energy, remaining the untapped resource that would transform the modern world in the short term and condemn Earth, along with civilization, in the long term. For one-hundred years stolen and pillaged from where you live, it has become the energy that has created untold wealth, power, comfort and hegemony to the lands of the North, yet becoming but an oasis of misery and pain for the vast majority of those who inhabit the lands where the wells of sustenance and greed of the Pax Americana flow.

It is oil, little one, that has condemned you and your people to futures beholden to the arrogant Empire from America, for black gold has become like a heroin addiction to the world, making your lands the syringe feeding comfort and wealth and greed into the veins of billions. It is the devil’s excrement that makes deaf the ears of humanity to your plight; that spawns the greed that darkens and blinds the eyes of understanding; that makes your life an expendable happenstance to the powers in pursuit of securing as much control over the fields of oil that lie below your feet.

It is your lands, sweet child, harsh environs of heat and desert, inhospitable and burdensome ecosystems to the human being, yet the birthplace of civilization, home to the Fertile Crescent and the crossroads of humanity, where history began and flourished, where so much of what made the Western world flourish was first studied and discovered, where the precursor to Judaism, Christianity and Islam rose, where yesterday was born and today began, that at present is but the pumping station for yesterday’s colonizers, the present’s superpower and tomorrow’s rising stars, where future wars will invariably be fought, over and over, for the last remaining vestiges of the black gold that has only caused you pain and suffering.

The Proconsuls of Empire
Since your birth America’s strangle on your life has been endemic, causing your family tremendous hardship as the indigence created by the stooges and despots ruling your land, all sponsored and supported by the Empire, has not been alleviated. Indeed, you have never known prosperity or a semblance of opportunity. You are but peasants in the lands of kings and princes, surviving on slave wages and slave work, having no choice but to receive the crumbs royalty throws your way. Meanwhile, lazy, corrupt and ignorant princes, born to wealth and prestige, living in gluttony and greed, are granted the spoils of your land’s oil, making goat and sheep herders of yesterday the billionaires of today. Given monthly royalties for the simple fact of having been born into the royal family, being called so-called princes, these elites of your nation build palatial estates endowed with the greatest luxuries in the world. They purchase the most expensive goods, they spend without regard or care, the world becomes their playground, with no empathy to spare.

While you live in poverty, scrapping to make a living, destined to never escape the caste you were born into, the elites of your nation sell your resources to the West’s energy conglomerates, selling out your future and your fate to those companies willing to exploit what rightfully belongs to you. For decades your oil has been stolen and pillaged from under your feet, with very few drops of the precious liquid allowed to trickle down to you. Meanwhile, pipelines saturated with oil are directed westward, with spigots tightly under the control of foreign multinationals. Your nation’s royalty has sold you out, leaving you in poverty, a future peasant forced to work for the energy companies or for self-aggrandized princes.

The elite of your land have made a pact with the Empire, making themselves wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest dreams in exchange for very favorable oil concessions to the West’s energy industrial complex, in exchange for the plundering and control of your resources. Artificially created kings, princes and emirs, mere stooges and puppets to the Empire, chosen proctors and proconsuls paid to guard Empire’s lifeblood, have been put in place to prevent you from claiming your land, your resources, your future. They have been selected because of their loyalty, not to the interests benefiting you or your fellow citizens, but to Empire’s wishes and goals. Every decision they make benefits the Empire; every edict they proclaim furthers the goals of America. They have been propped up by the West, protected and assisted if they obey, threatened and replaced if they deviate from script. Their role is to keep you under control, pacified and obedient, keeping you ignorant to the reality of your life and the intentions of the Empire. They are but puppets sitting on a throne of charades, kings and princes and emirs, preferring to subjugate their population, doing the bidding of the West, rather than return to days herding goats and sheep, becoming, once again, a mere peasant walking among dunes of sand.

In the inexperience and naïveté that youth naturally affords you may believe, in your desire for a better world, the bold statements and revolutionary pronouncements coming from the bully pulpit of the president of the United States who, in the proud tradition of historical hypocrisy prevalent in Washington, has announced his intention to bring “freedom and democracy” to the Middle East. Do not be fooled, little one, for this slogan is meant more for the consumption of the tens of millions of brain dead, brainwashed and xenophobic American citizens whose ignorance is only surpassed by their gluttony than at you and your people. This slogan is but the latest fascist propaganda used to justify the continued wars and carnage America has imported into the Middle East. You are no closer to having “freedom and democracy” than you are of getting rid of American interests in the region. Indeed, it is because of America’s presence in the region that you are denied the right to ever have “freedom and democracy.”

It is the dictators and kings of Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, America’s best friends in the region, none of which was ever democratically elected by your people, that have never and will never allow freedom and democracy to reign free in their nations. For to do so would risk their long-standing reign of power, their long-standing control over the citizenry, their long-standing penchant for accumulating wealth at the expense of the population. Without freedom and democracy they are rulers; with freedom and democracy they would be overthrown rulers. It is in America’s best interests to deny you the same freedoms and democracy it claims exists for its own citizens, for to offer you a semblance of freedom and democracy would be to guarantee its expulsion from your lands.

Imagine, for one second, that authoritarian rule did not exist in your country, that democracy meant one person, one vote, that fraud was non-existent and that you were allowed to have freedom of the press and freedom of expression, without fear of retribution or of imprisonment. The current tyrants and kings would undoubtedly be defeated, thereby getting rid of America’s current crop of stooges and puppets. With them on the street America’s interests would be curtailed. With a press free to critique leaders, inform and report truth the population would become more educated to the reality of their lives and of the nation. If elections were fair and free the will of the people would trump the control of the Empire, giving way to positions at odds with American hegemony, possibly putting at risk the one-sided and overtly unfair petroleum contracts that ensure the complete pillage of a nation’s oil wealth.

Imagine, for a minute, how different your nation would be if the will of the people triumphed, succeeding in kicking out corrupt dictators and puppet kings. America is no fool; she knows perfectly well that without her chosen proconsuls her interests in the region would be compromised, quite possibly severely. America fears “freedom and democracy” in the Middle East; she fears the voice of the people and the energy of the masses. She fears Islam, and what it stands for. She cares not one ounce for the plight of women, or for the fact that they are oppressed, subjugated and robbed of opportunity in many of her client states, or for the malnourishment of children such as you, or for the fact that less nutrition invariably leads to less intelligence over time. She could care less if you ever learn to read a book or study math or learn history, for a dumbed down populace is easier to control and manipulate, easier to transform into obedient producers and consumers.

There is a reason why millions of Arabs are cemented to the bottom of the caste system, engineered to be poor, not for one generation or two, but for perpetuity. There is a reason poverty is allowed to prosper, why education is eviscerated and gutted, why government wishes to impoverish the masses and make ignorant the minds of millions. An unthinking populace, without education, forced to survive day to day, is a population that can readily be controlled and subjugated by its masters. The poor have no time to think about changing the nation; no time to act out in defiance. They are too busy surviving day to day, finding the food, medicine, shelter and clothing to subsist twenty-four more hours.

Living at the periphery of society, growing up on the streets, without education, with no chance at opportunity, no future job to take, many children like you become casualties of the American Leviathan and its puppet leaders, forced, due to your plight, to attend a madrassah, where you are indoctrinated in fundamentalist Islam, though at least they clothe and feed you, taking over where the state has failed you, offering you love and support. It is here where you might come to know who is responsible for your poverty and your inability to escape the chains placed at your feet from birth. It is here where many of your fellow students learn what the state refuses to teach.

With authoritarian rule and a strong police state, both prevalent among America’s Middle East allies, any random uprising can easily be squashed, any demonstration quieted. Through the use of intimidation activists are silenced. Through threat of death, torture or disappearance a movement can be made to vanish. With a controlled state media the masses never see or hear or are informed about the truth facing their lives. Through censorship and control over all forms of media the state maintains control and order. This is the reason “freedom and democracy” will never exist among the Empire’s client states, for both America and her puppets fear the power of the People, preferring to offer a charade of freedom and democracy, yet in reality forced to increase authoritarian rule as well as a police state mentality as the level of poverty increases, the bitterness of the citizenry against the state rises and the overall frustrations of the people expands.

It is authoritarian rule, and not “freedom and democracy,” that America and its corporatist Establishment wants to maintain in the Middle East. It is obedience to American hegemony that must be preserved. The will of the People is and will always be trumped by the pursuit of the Almighty dollar. In an area of such vital strategic and geopolitical significance to the interests of the Empire as is the Middle East, with the supply of petroleum dwindling, with the demand for oil increasing exponentially, with its lands vital for pipelines and energy infrastructure, with its global location of such importance, you can be assured, young one, that you will never see America pursue the “freedom and democracy” it so valiantly, and hypocritically, hails in its quest to introduce the “birth pangs” of a new Middle East.

Only after the oil and gas cease to flow, only after America is sure it has nothing left to exploit, only then might you free yourself of the massive tentacles of a most voracious and gluttonous Empire. Perhaps after the oil stops flowing from under your feet, when America has no more need for despots and royalty or for your inhospitable land, will you have the possibility of ridding yourself of dictators and kings, finally establishing the “freedom and democracy” you have heard so much about.

So feared is the introduction of fair, honest and just elections in the Middle East by America that in the case of Palestinian elections, where the population, under decades of brutal occupation and apartheid by Israel, elected Hamas to power in the hopes that it would succeed where others only failed, even after America and Israel gave the opposition party millions of dollars in funds to help it win the election. America and Israel immediately began a campaign of collective punishment on the Palestinian people for having the temerity to democratically elect a party not chosen or wanted by both nations. Tens of millions of dollars in funds that flow to Palestine from the American government were frozen, never to see Palestinian soil. Vital tax revenues from the occupied territories were kept by Israel, purposefully withheld due to Palestinian democracy. Israel, with American political, financial and military support, began a series of campaigns aimed at destroying, or at least severely damaging, key infrastructure in the Territories. Water was siphoned away form Gaza, sewer service was interrupted, electrical plants were bombed. Food and medicine became scarce in Gaza, leading to malnourishment and a plethora of medical problems.

Without water, electricity, tax revenues to pay government workers and the food and medicine needed for children to survive, the Palestinian people suffered horribly. To add insult to injury, dozens of democratically elected Palestinian officials were kidnapped and imprisoned, including high level Cabinet ministers and members of Parliament. The clear intent by Israel, and by consequence America, was to teach the Palestinian people a lesson in Middle East democracy. Collective punishment was imposed on the population of the occupied territories for the simple act of democratically voting and electing a party not of Tel Aviv’s or Washington’s choosing. Thus, Hamas, elected because it stood with the Palestinian people in their great cause for freedom from apartheid, occupation, imprisonment and tyranny, was hamstrung from the very beginning by two foreign powers, its hands cut off by actions detrimental to the interests of millions of Palestinians. “You will have democracy,” America and Israel seemed to say, “but only if you vote for whomever we tell you to vote for.” Thus through the Palestine example can we see the idea of “freedom and democracy,” American style.

Life inside Occupation, Violence and Destruction
In Iraq and, most recently in Lebanon, can we observe the devastating war America is waging against the Arab world, especially Arab children. Iraq has been transformed into a land ruled by violence and anarchy, creating a hornet’s nest of hatred and internecine fighting that did not previously exist. With no threat to the American people, incapable even of inflicting damage to its immediate neighbors, Iraq was invaded and subsequently occupied by American forces, creating the greatest strategic disaster in American history and sending Iraq spiraling down into the gates of Hades. The American occupation has created the birth pangs of sectarian civil war, with ethnic cleansing of entire neighborhoods now the rule, not the exception.

The occupation has succeeding in introducing a level of violence unheard of in Iraq and the Middle East. Every month, for example, more than 3,000 people lose their life in a country being torn apart at its western-imposed seams. Just in July 2006, a little bit more than 3,400 Iraqis lost their life. How many of these, are we to wonder, were children? How many more have been injured, maimed, or otherwise mentally and psychologically traumatized? How many children have been forced to confront a world their young, innocent minds simply cannot comprehend? Every month, the equivalent of one 9/11 is taking place in Iraq, all thanks to America’s arrogant blunder into Mesopotamia. After America’s 9/11, millions of children suffered nightmares and post-traumatic stress disorder for weeks and even months, forced to experience and relive in their minds the devastating controlled demolition of the Twin Towers. How can Iraq’s children be expected to react to the level of violence and death and destruction currently afflicting their own nation?

Prior to the invasion of Iraq by America, it must be remembered, genocidal sanctions were supported, placed and enforced on Iraq by America, beginning in the early 1990’s, that lasted until George W. Bush’s disastrous foray into the Middle East. It is estimated that anywhere from 500,000 to one million children died in the decade long economic genocide of an entire generation of Iraqi children. Denied vital food and medicines, hundreds of thousands of innocent children died of malnutrition or from disease. As hospitals rotted from within, due to lack of supplies, all denied by sanctions, entire extended families perished, their children unable to withstand the lack of nutrition or the absence of vital medicines.

Untold thousands also died as a result of the weapon of mass destruction, also known as America’s version of the dirty bomb, depleted uranium munitions, used during Gulf War One in the early 1990’s. Hundreds of tons of bombs, artillery, shells, missiles and bullets coated with depleted uranium were released into Iraq’s environment, cities and atmosphere, each containing radioactive material embedded inside its coating. The results have been disastrous. Cancers, childhood leukemia and diseases once unheard of in Iraq began to spike in large numbers not long after the war ended, affecting tens of thousands of people, many of them children. Birth deformities and fetus mutations never before seen began to appear after the end of many pregnancies.

With an additional hundreds of tons of depleted uranium also dropped and dispersed on Iraq during George W. Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, in much higher quantities than in the first Gulf War, Iraq has become a virtual radioactive desert, a land full of WMD, delivered by America onto the people of Iraq. For generations to come Iraqis will be forced to confront the premature death of their children due to cancers and disease, not to mention having to give birth to babies whose deformities and mutations the world has never been witness to. America’s dirty bomb had unleashed its invisible yet destructive forces aura upon the population of Iraq. Who would have believed that it would be America, and not Iraq, who possessed and even used WMD during the course of war?

What must it be like to have your home searched, rummaged and eventually destroyed? What must occupation be like for the young, who are forced to confront death, destruction and violence on a daily basis? What must it be like to have your family humiliated, dehumanized, robbed of its few possessions and amounts of money, your room ransacked in the middle of the night by American patrols designed to intimidate and scare more than anything else? To be an Iraqi child during this most criminal and malevolent act of premeditated aggression is to be condemned to live life in hell on Earth, with destruction and death all around, bullets whizzing by and improvised explosive devices booming in the distance, with buildings you once recognized now turned to rubble and a normal life you once knew suddenly turned upside down, an unrecognizable nightmare that you cannot wake from, no matter how hard you try to escape the reality of what you are witness to.

Friends you once knew and loved are either dead or missing, ethnically cleansed from your neighborhood because they are Sunni or Shia, forced to leave rather than die at the hands of death squads. You visit cousins in the hospital, their limbs shredded and/or torn off thanks to American ordnance or cannon fire, their eyes having become a vacuum of darkness, a vastness of nothingness inside their pupils, unable to comprehend how a game of football could lead to broken arms and amputated feet. The empty void of rage you must feel inside knowing that your older sister has been raped by American soldiers, humiliated in front of her parents, now castigated and banished from what was once a normal life, her life apparently over.

You see the valiant resistance waging guerilla war against the Americans, they with tanks and fighter jets, the resistance with IEDs and mortar fire. You most likely know members of the resistance, some might be friends of the family, others might be relatives, still others your father or older brothers. They are waging a relentless battle with the weapons they have, slowly bleeding the American military, knowing the city better than anyone, blending into buildings, hiding amongst shadows, becoming experts at guerilla warfare and at placing IED’s throughout the city streets.

They are fighting for your freedom and for Iraqi independence, freedom fighters destined to proclaim victory, if not soon then after patient determination, for morality and justice are with them, as is the population and the parameters of guerilla warfare. They fight occupation and the pillaging of Iraq’s resources by the Empire; they fight to expel the American military from your land, knowing full well that if not forced to leave by the resistance the armies of the Empire will never depart; they fight both to make right and bring a sense of justice to the myriad American war crimes, torture, murder, dehumanization, false imprisonment, destruction and the taunts the American military, ignorant of history or of alien cultures, has imported into Iraq. They fight for vengeance, for honor, for Iraq, becoming a valid resistance against illegal occupation.

They are called terrorists by the American military and its propaganda machine, the corporate media. You know better. Anything and anyone against the American government and its imperial ambitions gets labeled a terrorist. Any group that does not bow down to honor the Empire and lick its stained boots becomes an evildoer. Any entity that fights the injustice and the devastating policies of America is smeared as an insurgent. Terrorist is the term used to frighten and manipulate the gullible and brain dead American citizenry, making millions believe that if the government labels a group a terrorist organization, then that group or entity is evil and wicked and fighting America because they hate America for her freedoms and democracy and her way of life, and therefore must be defeated and fought in battle, in this charade called the “war on terror.” With such an unthinking, ignorant population, willing to believe anything and everything told them, manipulation and propaganda serves to hide truths better left unknown.

No, you don’t fall for the bull manure of lies and propaganda and manipulations, you are smarter than that, with a mind that thinks on its own. You know your friends and neighbors and relatives and fathers are freedom fighters, interlocked in a war of resistance, much like those in Vietnam and in the American War for Independence. You are proud of the resistance, for they fight in your name, for your land and your resources, fighting to remain free of American hegemony, with its vast arsenal of plundering policies and pillaging techniques. You know very well Bush does not care for the Iraqi people, or for bringing freedom and democracy to your country. He wants your oil, your slave labor, your wallets and your strategic location. You know that your people must fight the Americans, for if not then you will become an American colony, occupied into perpetuity, a nation oppressed inside its own borders, a people robbed of their freedom.

And so you imitate your elders, brave freedom fighters that they have become, abandoning jobs as taxi drivers, teachers, construction workers and managers, forced into armed conflict by the brutal oppression and occupation of Iraqis by the American military. You have no AK-47, no IED’s or mortars, and so you and your remaining friends imitate the poor Palestinian children, reaching down and around the rubble of destroyed buildings, creating the rocks thrown at American tanks and Humvees. The tanks have become the symbol of occupation, of the hatred and the rage you feel against America, for what it has done to you and your land. You throw and throw rocks at these mighty iron beasts, knowing that you can do them no harm, that your rocks don’t even dent the iron. Yet you throw until your arm is dead, for such is the bitterness and the rage inside your tiny body, wishing your rocks were bombs, wishing the American scourge could finally be expelled from Mesopotamia.

The damage done to Iraq and its people has been horrendous; the vicious cycle of violence is unending; chaos and anarchy fill the streets; civil war has erupted; the peace and tranquility you once knew is but a distant memory; your school has not been open for years; your country is imploding, its seams coming unglued; cancer and disease fill the hospitals; having electricity and water are distant dreams; sewer and garbage service are non-existent; simply walking to the grocery store down the street is risking your life; more than 3,000 of your fellow citizens are dying each month, the equivalent of a 9/11 each and every month. Yes, you think, I cannot wait to grow up and join the resistance, finally having a chance to fight and defeat an army, and a nation, that has brought nothing but misery to my once beautiful and peaceful country. “I am a child today,” you think to yourself, “but tomorrow I will be an adult. I will be mujahadeen.”

You Call Me “Terrorist”, I Call You Coward
For fighting against America, even though the war is being waged in Iraq, in a legitimate war against an illegal and immoral occupation, you will be labeled as a terrorist. Every Arab and Muslim these days, it seems, is seen as nothing more than a terrorist, a dreaded boogey man sent from hell to scare the ever-frightened American populace. Yet it is your land, whether in Iraq or Lebanon, Palestine or Iran, that is being terrorized either by threats of war or by an actual blitzkrieg of state sponsored terrorism. You cannot understand why, when your nation is being destroyed from the air and from the ground by the latest American weapons of war and destruction and death, it is your people, and not America herself, that are branded as terrorists. Your land has been filled with radioactive pollution from America’s dirty bomb, depleted uranium munitions, causing entire clusters of cancer, leukemia, disease and birth deformities, yet you are the terrorist. There was not one act of terrorism before the illegal invasion and occupation of your land, yet when you rise to resist, you are the terrorist.

In Lebanon, your county has been sent back in time twenty years, its infrastructure decimated, its beaches made toxic with petroleum, entire neighborhoods flattened, cluster bombs littered throughout cities, villages and fields, killing long after the Israeli state terror machine has left, yet your resistance fighters are the so-called terrorists. One thousand three-hundred of your fellow Lebanese are dead, many more still buried under rubble, one-third of them children like you, yet your fathers and brothers and grandfathers are the terrorists? Somehow, you cannot understand the logic behind the propaganda, nor the blind trust and belief the American people place on such lies and distortions.

For the last six years it seems that America has declared a Crusade against the Arab and Muslim world, invading two nations and giving Israel the green light to destroy two more, using American made weapons and technology. Yet her appetite does not seem to be quenched. On the horizon you can see Syria and Iran in the American crosshairs, two nations whose reputation is being marketed to strike fear into the most coward-laced population on Earth, the American people. You cannot help but wonder why such cowardice exists in the land of the free and the home of the brave. You fail to see the logic behind 300 million people willingly giving up their freedoms and rights in exchange for protection and security from a boogeyman that is more a figment of Bush’s imagination than a threat to the sovereignty of the most powerful nation on Earth. Have they been manipulated so thoroughly, brainwashed so profoundly, that they fear an enemy that has been concocted from the minds of the real terrorists, namely the Bush cabal or corporatists and neoconartists?

America has not experienced one one-millionth the amount of terrorism that has afflicted your land, you realize, yet it fears one million times more. It was subjected to one monstrous act of state terror, something that happens to your country on a daily basis, yet it is America that now runs to hide and scapegoat at the first sign, real or concocted, of imminent danger? Did the demolition of the World Trade Center have such a deep effect on the psyche of the population, enough to transform a once brave and great citizenry into one filled with cowardice and fear? It sure looks that way, you say to yourself.

Even as a child you realize that Arabs and Muslims have been selected to become the latest incarnation of America’s enemy, the boogeyman needed to advance the interests of imperial hegemony, the perfect excuse to launch wars for geopolitical expediency and resource control. You see Arab and Muslim men and women slowly becoming the object of hate throughout the western world, much like the Jews in Nazi Germany, slowly becoming the scapegoats needed to pursue the interests of the powerful. To those Arabs and Muslims living in England or America, you wonder if soon they will be forced to wear a small yet noticeable red or green Crescent Moon on their sleeve. You wonder if soon they will be so marginalized, so hated by the ignorant masses, that they will not be allowed to fly or travel or stay at a hotel. You wonder if the day is coming when, after one more attack, they will be deported back to the Middle East or worse, sent to detention centers, their neighborhoods turned to ghettos, their rights and freedoms taken and destroyed.

This madness cannot continue, you think to yourself. You are but a child, yet have seen so much suffering already. You live in indigence, while your masters live in gluttonous luxury. You see desperation all around you, poverty, disease, frustration and deep resentment growing on a daily basis, your neighborhoods becoming the epicenters of growing anger, both at America and at its puppets. You have no future in the Middle East, no destiny worth pursuing. Few if any jobs await you once you become an adult. Your education by the state is designed to make you an ignorant primate, obedient, complacent and acquiescent to the dictates of the state. Your family has been devastated by the bombs, missiles and munitions dropped down by state sponsored terrorism. You see no future and no hope, only desperation, frustration and resentment.

The western world calls you terrorist, evildoer and boogeyman, a dark-skinned enemy of freedom and democracy, a wicked criminal lurking in every closet, underneath every bed, waiting to inflict fear and terror upon the populace. You have become a convenient patsy, a walking advertisement of fear, an alien walking in unwelcome land, a cave dweller with the capacity to implode the monoliths of capitalism’s might. Your appearance and color strike fear on the street, in a mall, on a bus and inside an airplane, your ethnicity and religion condemning you to profiling, harassment, stares and guilt by association. You are guilty until proven innocent, an evildoer terrorist who must be deported or imprisoned, to be tortured and sent to rot in Guantanamo.

The ignorant hate and despise you while the educated simply avoid you like the plague. You are no longer welcome in America or England, you have become the new “nigger,” the new leper, an unwanted human being made evil and malevolent by the public relations and marketing machines of the Zionists and the Americans, becoming, in the span of half a decade, the terrorist engineered to devastate the psyche of your average American and British citizen, sending them crying at night in fright, begging that their rights and freedoms be taken away in exchange for security and protection from their masters and their government.

In the end, you wonder where all this is headed, if this vicious cycle of hate and violence can sustain itself. You wonder how long you will be called terrorist and how many more Middle East nations will be invaded and destroyed. You wonder how long it will be until America finds a new evildoer, a new enemy to exploit and devastate. You hope that day comes soon, for you fear what is to happen to your cousins living in Michigan, or your friends residing in London, if this madness continues and its unstoppable momentum can no longer be stopped.

The lunacy that is the so-called “war on terror” has taken us into a bizarre and alternate world, one that is as dangerous to the human race as any time in our brief history. We are on the verge of disaster, of immersing ourselves into the self-fulfilling prophesy of our most archaic myths. If we do not put a stop to this madness, then surely it will put a stop to us. What we do in the next few years might well determine our future as a civilization, and it might very well decide what future historians will write about humanity at the dawn of the 21st century. Have we learned nothing from the errors and mistakes of our descendants? Have we yet to grasp the kind of future we are invariably leading ourselves into?

We must let go of the primitive tendencies of our human nature before their demons once more take possession of our minds. We must understand our animal selves, as well as control the emotions and passions and instincts we naturally possess. It is time to move forward into enlightenment, not backwards into dark ages. It is time for a new human renaissance, not another human catastrophe. Let humankind turn against the wickedness of our leaders and the evils of our ways, transforming ourselves into caretakers both of ourselves and the planet, not destroyers of all that is innocent and beautiful. The cowardice now prevalent must be made extinct, to be replaced by the bravery that once permeated through our pores. We must conquer fear and hatred, we must quench our desire for vengeance. We must conquer our appetite for war and violence, turning instead to peace and understanding. Only then can we move on. Only then will humanity be saved. Only then can we honestly call ourselves human and not primates.

Let us give all children, regardless of creed, color or religion, a chance to live a life in peace and enlightenment, free of war, hatred, fear, ignorance and vengeance. The Middle East, as well as the planet, awaits our call to action.

Manuel Valenzuela is a social critic and commentator, international affairs analyst and Internet columnist. His articles as well as his archive can be found at his blog, and at as well as at other alternative news websites from around the globe. Mr. Valenzuela is also author of Echoes in the Wind, a fiction novel. Mr. Valenzuela welcomes comments and can be reached at



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FWD : Don’t drink Coca-Cola

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

—– Original Message —–
From: Mirza Yawar Baig
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:59 AM

This came to me last year and got lost somewhere. I found it just now and so am sending it to you. Please verify this fatwa for yourselves and enlighten us in case it is wrong. If not please spread the word.

You are all aware of my personal opinion in the matter:

1. Anything that has a secret formula can’t be considered halaal until we know what is in the formula and have ascertained that its ingredients are not haraam.
2. Buying from an organization which is one of those who has been honored by Israel for helping them in their war effort against the Palestinian Muslims, is dishonorable, disgraceful, and a way of helping the Israeli war effort. Just as eating South African oranges during apartheid was called ‘drinking the blood of a black South African’…….so also in my opinion drinking Coke and Pepsi (which is also in the same boat for the same reasons) is like drinking the blood of a Palestinian child.




The Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa
Investigative Report
The World’s Best-kept Secret
Coca-Cola Unveiled
After a detailed investigation it has been proven beyond any doubt that Coke and other cooldrinks are HARAAM for Muslim consumption.
All of the facts gathered during my investigation are found herewith including overwhelming proof from a previous investigation conducted by the Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa.
This subsequently led to the Mujlisul Ulama declaring COKE HARAAM in the early 80’s. The UTUSAN KONSUMER declared it HARAAM in 1984 on a thorough investigation of its own.
COKE was given a court order by the Indian government to reveal its secret recipe but chose to rather pull out of the country than to disclose its covert formula.
Since its inception COKE has ignored two court orders to reveal its true contents.
The original recipe for COKE is at this point in time locked up in a bank vault in the USA.
· At any one time only the Head Chemist at Coca Cola knows the true contents of COKE. The formula has been passed down from Head Chemist to his predecessor over the years as the Head Chemists have retired.
From all the proof gathered and put together it is astounding how this product could ever have been declared HALAAL.
I had personally been abstaining for a year as I had previously had doubt and it was therefore better for me to abstain for the sake of TAQWA, but it is now a confirmed certitude that COKE is HARAAM and it is now my Islamic duty to abstain.
The Contents of COKE
The Secret recipe of COKE as per a formulary book that belonged to John Pemberton who invented Coca-Cola 107 years ago. The recipe included citrate caffeine, extract of vanilla, seven flavoring oils, fluid extract of coca (cocaine), citric acid, lime juice, sugar, water, caramel and alcohol. Evidently the cocaine was removed in 1903. Coca-Cola continues to dominate the scene after 107 years, and the profits from the sale of it have been as follows:
Merchandise #1 Sugar
Merchandise #2 Caramel
Merchandise #3 Caffeine
Merchandise #4 Phosphoric Acid
Merchandise #5 Coca leaf and Cola nut Extract (20% Alcohol)
Merchandise #6 Was Lime juice, but was incorporated into Merchandise #7X as an oil
Merchandise #7X Flavouring mixture (see below)
Merchandise #8 Vanilla
Merchandise #9 Glycerine, but apparently no longer used
Table: The Secret Recipe of Coca-Cola
The Secret Flavourant Merchandise #7X is made up as follows:
1 oz (28.35 grams) Citrate Caffeine 3 oz (85.05 grams) Citric Acid
1 oz (28.35 grams) Extract Vanilla 1 Qt Lime Juice
2.5 oz (70.88 grams) Flavouring 30 lbs Sugar
4 oz (113.4 grams) F.E.Coco 2.5 gal (11.365 litres) Water
Caramel sufficient
80 Oil Orange 40 Oil Cinnamon
120 Oil Lemon 20 Oil Coriander
40 Oil Nutmeg 40 Oil Neroil
1 Qt Alcohol (95%)
Mix Caffeine Acid and Lime Juice 1 Qt. Boiling water add vanilla and flavouring when cool.
Let stand for 24 hours
1. Vanilla Extract (Not synthetic) is HARAAM (see attached proof)
2. Ethanol is HARAAM (see attached proof)
3. Alcohol is used in the preparation of the secret formula called 7X as part of the flavouring (95% Alcohol) – HARAAM
4. Glycerine that is used in the Formula 7X and also in the main recipe is HARAAM. (NB. Glycerine is claimed to not be used in the main recipe anymore)
5. Alcohol is used in the reparation of the Coca leaf and Cola nut mixture (20% Alcohol) – HARAAM
2 Whole vanilla beans
1 ½ c Vodka or Brandy
½ c Water
1 c Granulated sugar
There are various recipes for Vanilla Extract from different resources but this is the most common recipe. Apart from synthetic Vanilla Extract all recipes for Vanilla Extract contain alcohol, either Brandy or Vodka in most cases.
VANILLA EXTRACT has been overlooked and not been investigated before today, not even by the Mujlisul Ulama or the Utusan Konsumer in their respective investigations.
With regards to ETHANOL below is the following Webster’s dictionary definition of ETHANOL:
Main Entry: eth a nol
Prounciation: ‘e-th&-“nOl, British also ‘E-
Function: noun
Date: 1900
: a colorless volatile flammable liquid C2H5OH that is the INTOXICATING AGENT in liquors and is also used as a solvent – called also ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol
(Based on Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate(R) Dictionary, Tenth Edition)
Almost all cooldrinks manufactured today contain ethanol since ethanol is used as a dissolving media for most flavourants.
COKE and SPARLETTA amongst others have admitted to having used ethanol in their flavouring essence.
The reasoning that Ethanol is not KHAMR as professed by many scholars is pure deception by shaitaan and the kuffaar.
The first declaration made by Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) concerning this matter was that not only is wine prohibited but that the definition of KHAMR extends to any substance which intoxicates, in whatever form or under whatever name it may appear. Thus, for example, beer and similar drinks are HARAAM.
Our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was once asked about certain drinks made from honey, corn, or barley by the process of fermenting them until they became alcoholic. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), blessed as he was with the best of speech, replied succinctly:
“Every intoxicant is KHAMR and every KHAMR is HARAAM.”
And Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) declared from the pulpit of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam): “KHAMR is that which befogs the mind.”
From the above it is evident that ETHANOL is beyond any doubt HARAAM despite what our deceived brothers choose to believe.
GLYCERINE which has already been declared Haraam by the Jamiatul Ulama is included in COKE in two forms. It is firstly used in the Vanilla Extract as a means to “fix” the aroma of the flavouring. It is also used in the main recipe as a preservative although there are claims that it is not used any more.
The Flavouring part of Merchandise #7X is made up of 95% ALCOHOL together with Lemon, orange, lime, cassia and nutmeg oils mixed together.
Islam takes an uncompromising stand in prohibiting intoxicants, regardless of whether the amount is little or much. If an individual permitted to take but a single step along this road, other steps follow; he starts walking and then running, and does not stop at any stage. This is why our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Of that which intoxicates in a large amount, a small amount is HARAAM.”
And again:
“If a bucketful intoxicates, a sip of it is HARAAM.”
In connection with alcohol, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) cursed ten categories of people saying:
“Truly, Allah has cursed KHAMR and has cursed the one who produces it, the one for whom it is produced, the one who drinks it, the one who serves it, the one who carries it, the one for whom it is carried, the one who sells it, the one who earns from the sale of it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought.”
When the above verse of Surah al-Maaidah was revealed, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) announced:
“Truly, Allah has prohibited KHAMR. Therefore, whoever hears this verse and possesses some of this substance should neither drink it nor sell it.”
The narrator of the Hadith says: “The people brought forth whatever they possessed of it and poured it out in the streets of Madinah.”
Islam’s stand in prohibiting alcohol and blocking all avenues which lead to drinking is very clear and unequivocal.
The Arab’s during the period of jaahiliyyah were very fond of wine and drinking parties. To eradicate this pervasive evil from society, Allah Ta’ala adopted a wise course of education and training, prohibiting it in measured stages. First, He made it clear to them that the harm of drinking wine is greater than its benefit; next, He told them not to come to Salaat while intoxicated; and finally, He revealed the verse in Surah al-Maaidah which prohibited it totally and decisively:
“O you who believe! Truly, intoxicants and gambling and divination by arrows are an abomination of shaitaans’ doing; avoid it in order that you may be successful. Assuredly shaitaan desires to sow enmity and hatred among you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hinder you from remembrance of Allah and from Salaat. Will you not then desist?”
The response of the Muslims to these verses was remarkable indeed. At the time some people were drinking, with partly-filled cups in their hands. As soon as they heard someone announcing: “Wine has indeed been prohibited.”, they poured the remaining drinks upon the ground and broke the big clay pots in which other drinks were being fermented.
May Allah give us the strength to give up something we love and enjoy, something that has become a part of our daily life. May Allah give us the strength to give it up just as the Muslims of those times gave up wine and drinking parties solely for the pleasure of Allah.
I wish to stress that mere academic knowledge of the HALAAL and HARAAM, and of the limits of these is not sufficient. Although the major sins and principle obligations are known to every Muslim, nonetheless, we find a great many of them indulging in these sins and neglecting those obligations, and rushing toward the Fire with their eyes wide open.
If the Muslim is well-versed in the knowledge of his religion and its Shariah, and at the same time possesses a fully alert conscience which safeguards the limits so that they cannot be overstepped, he is indeed rich in all goodness. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) spoke the truth when he said:
“When Allah intends good for a person, He makes his own soul a watcher over him.”
Just as Islam has prohibited whatever leads toward the HARAAM, it has also prohibited resorting to technical legalities in order to do what is HARAAM by devious means and excuses inspired by shaitaan. It has reprimanded the Jews for resorting to such practices. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Do not do what the Jews did in order to (technically) leaglise Allah’s prohibitions by flimsy excuses.”
This is a reference to the fact that Allah had prohibited the Jews to hunt on the Sabbath (Saturday). To get around this prohibition they would dig ditches on Friday so that the fish would fall into them on Saturday, to be caught on Sunday. Those who resort to rationalisations to justify their actions consider such practices to be permissible, but the jurists of Islam consider them HARAAM, since Allah’s purpose was to prevent them from hunting on the Sabbath, whether by direct or indirect means.
Calling a HARAAM thing by a name other than its own or changing its form while retaining its essence is a devious tactic, since obviously a change of name or of form is of no consequence as long as thing and essence remain unchanged. Thus, when some people invent new terms in order to deal in usury or to consume alcohol, the sin of dealing in usury and drinking remains. As we read in the collections of Ahadith
“A group of people will make peoples’ intoxication HALAAL by giving it other names.
A time will come when people will devour usury, calling it “trade”.”
And among the strange phenomena of our time is that people term obscene dance “art”, liquor “preservatives”, and usury “interest”.
In all its legislation and moral injunctions, Islam lays great stress on nobility of feelings, loftiness of aims, and purity of intentions. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Actions will be judged by intentions, and everyone will be recompensed according to what he intended.”
I conclude with the following supplication, which has come to us from the early Muslims:
O Allah, make us independent of HARAAM with HALAAL and of disobedience to You with obedience to You.
All praise is for Allah Ta’ala, Who guided us to this; had He not given us guidance, we could not have been guided.
All information mentioned in this investigative report was checked and re-checked via the different sources available in order to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the information. The information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Being only human, I stand to be corrected on any error made on any issue discussed.
Issued by:
The Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa
PO Box 3393
South Africa


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Why do Palestinians want to destroy Israel and drive Israeli Jews into the sea?

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Why do Palestinians want to destroy Israel and drive Israeli Jews into the sea?

Written by Palestine Remembered
Wednesday, 27 September 2006

This is the question asked most frequently by Israelis and Zionists. We will answer the question indirectly by asking the question below:
“Are you aware that Israeli Zionists, during the 1948 war, pushed over 150,000 Palestinian refugees into the sea? “

Jaffa May 1948, Palestinians were being pushed into the see by the attacking Israeli Army

This is the question asked most frequently by Israelis and Zionists. We will answer the question indirectly by asking the question below:

Are you aware that Israeli Zionists, during the 1948 war, pushed over 150,000 Palestinian refugees into the sea?

For a long time, Zionists have been propagating fear based propaganda to their followers, probably this picture can tell you a bit of the real story, click here for more details. It’s misleading and unfair to focus on what Palestinians might allegedly do in the future, while the past and present of Palestinians are filled with Israeli war crimes. These types of accusations are meant to deflect and confuse the core issues of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The core issues of the conflict are the collective DISPOSSESSION and ETHNIC CLEANSING (compulsory population transfer) of the Palestinian people for the past five decades. It should be emphasized that the conflict would have been at the same level of intensity, even if both warring parties had been Muslims, Christians, or even Jewish.

Since the inception of Zionism, its leaders have been keen on creating a “Jewish State” based on a “Jewish majority” by mass immigration of Jews to Palestine, primarily European Jews fleeing from anti-Semitic Tsarist Russia and Nazi Germany. When a “Jewish majority” was impossible to achieve, based on Jewish immigration and natural growth, Zionist leaders (such as Ben Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and Chaim Weizmann) concluded that “population transfer” was the only solution to what they referred to as the “Arab Problem.” Year after year, the plan to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people became known as the “transfer solution”. David Ben-Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, eloquently articulated the “transfer solution” as the following:

  • In a joint meeting between the Jewish Agency Executive and Zionist Action Committee on June 12th, 1938:
  • “With compulsory transfer we [would] have a vast area [for settlement] …. I support compulsory transfer. I don’t see anything immoral in it.” (Righteous Victims p. 144).
  • In a speech addressing the Central Committee of the Histadrut on December 30, 1947:
  • “In the area allocated to the Jewish State there are not more than 520,000 Jews and about 350,000 non-Jews, mostly Arabs. Together with the Jews of Jerusalem, the total population of the Jewish State at the time of its establishment, will be about one million, including almost 40% non-Jews. such a [population] composition does not provide a stable basis for a Jewish State. This [demographic] fact must be viewed in all its clarity and acuteness. With such a [population] composition, there cannot even be absolute certainty that control will remain in the hands of the Jewish majority …. There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60%.” (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 176 & Benny Morris p. 28)
  • And on February 8th, 1948 Ben-Gurion also stated to the Mapai Council:.
  • “From your entry into Jerusalem, through Lifta, Romema [East Jerusalem Palestinian neighborhood]. . . there are no [Palestinian] Arabs. One hundred percent Jews. Since Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, it has not been Jewish as it is now. In many [Palestinian] Arab neighborhoods in the west one sees not a single [Palestinian] Arab. I do not assume that this will change. . . . What had happened in Jerusalem. . . . is likely to happen in many parts of the country. . . in the six, eight, or ten months of the campaign there will certainly be great changes in the composition of the population in the country.” (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 180-181)
  • In a speech addressing the Zionist Action Committee on April 6th, 1948:.
  • “We will not be able to win the war if we do not, during the war, populate upper and lower, eastern and western Galilee, the Negev and Jerusalem area ….. I believe that war will also bring in its wake a great change in the distribution of Arab population.” (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 181)
  • Click here for more “Transfer” (Ethnic Cleansing) quotes from Zionist leaders.

For Israelis and Zionists to excuse themselves from any war crimes, such as compulsory population transfer (Ethnic Cleansing) and dispossessing the Palestinian people, they’ve resorted to a myth that Palestinians left their homes, farms, businesses, banks, boats, cars, etc. based on their free will, click here to read our rebuttal of this concocted myth.

There is no denying the fact that some Palestinians think as many Zionists do (a Palestinian version of Zionism), and very possibly they do so because they were the victims of such treatment themselves. Regardless of whether it’s right or wrong, you have to agree that it is human nature to respond to terror with terror, and to racism with racism, these are facts that all decent people must accept and deplore simultaneously. No matter what the circumstances are (such as the urge to seek vengeance, revenge, reprisals, etc.), targeting civilians to achieve political or military objectives, in either war or non-war situations, is terrorism. It should be noted that the Palestinian people have been on the receiving end of Israeli terrorism (the chief aspect of which are the collective DISPOSSESSION and ETHNIC CLEANSING of 8.5 million Palestinians) for the past five decades.

Finally, the Palestinian mainstream does not and will not condone massive ethnic cleansing such as that which Israelis and Zionists have perpetrated against to the Palestinian people. Palestinians, as Muslim and Arabs, have a long history and track record which proves exactly the opposite. Omar Ibn al-Khatab’s and Saladin‘s conquest of Jerusalem are solid proof of how Arabs and Muslims treated their defeated subjects fairly during the Byzantines and the Crusades respectively. Ironically, many of today’s Christian Palestinians trace their roots to the Crusades, such as the famous Rock family of Jaffa. In other words, if freeing Palestine would imply perpetrating war crimes similar to the ones perpetrated against the Palestinian people, Palestinians will wait for another Omar or Saladin to right the wrongs of the past. The Muslim Arabs have their history to prove their tolerance towards their subjects, however, the Israelis and Zionists have their track record to speak for them. Palestine Remembered has been explicitly built to expose and uncover Israeli war crimes and to AMPLIFY the voices of the Palestinian refugees.

Source: Palestine Remembered



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Doomed to repeat: Germany, 1933

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Doomed to repeat: Germany, 1933

by blue meme

Thu Sep 28, 2006 at 07:39:05 AM PDT

I know how dangerous it is to argue by comparing present events to the Nazi nightmare. But I did a little research, and the comparison between the torture bill that Congress is about to pass and the Enabling Act of 1933 — the law that gave Hitler his power — seems inescapable to me.

Hitler was elected Chancellor (a point conveniently forgotten by many) in January 1933 on a platform of anti-communist propaganda. In February, the Reichstag, the equivalent of our Capitol, was destroyed by arsonists, who may or may not have been affiliated with the Nazis. Appropriately cowed by these and other intimidations, the German parliament passed the Enabling Act that March.

The Enabling Act, officially known as the “Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and Realm,” was short and simple. Its operative provisions were as follows:

Article 1
In addition to the procedure prescribed by the constitution, laws of the Reich may also be enacted by the government of the Reich….
Article 2
Laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution as long as they do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain undisturbed.
Article 3
Laws enacted by the Reich government shall be issued by the Chancellor and announced in the Reich Gazette….

That, seasoned with only a soupçon of legalistic detail, was it. What it meant was that the executive was empowered by the legislature to decide what the law was. He was empowered to ignore the constitution. Neither the courts nor the legislature would have means to check executive power.

When the world saw the logical conclusion of that social experiment, it promised, “never again.”

Never again.

That promise has usually been understood to refer to the Holocaust. To that extent, the tragedies of Darfur and Bosnia and Rwanda stand as silent refutation, differing in scale but not culpability. But there was another implicit promise of lessons learned: Never again would the people of a powerful Western democracy descend into the madness of unrestrained dictatorship.

That second promise was largely implicit, because it seemed superfluous. After the obscenity of WWII, the idea that it could be broken by the United States or its allies was unthinkable. And that promise, at least, was largely kept.

Until now.

Forget, for the moment, that the proposed “compromise” torture legislation effectively abrogates the Geneva Conventions. Forget that it effectively licenses torture in the name of every American. Focus instead on the fact that it “vests in the administration the singularly most tyrannical power that exists – namely, the power unilaterally to decree someone guilty of a crime and to condemn the accused to eternal imprisonment without having even to charge him with a crime, let alone defend the validity of those accusations.” Focus on this language from the proposed law:

…(N)o court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any claim or cause of action whatsoever, … including challenges to the lawfulness of procedures of military commissions under this chapter.
No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.

The language of the new Enabling Act is a bit more baroque than that used seventy years ago. And, to be sure, it is not as far-reaching as that of its predecessor. But make no mistake: Just as the 1933 Enabling Act created the context for dictatorship, so does this one. The German legislature told the executive that it had the power to make law and ignore the constitution. If Congress passes this bill, the American legislature will second the motion.

It is just one bill, you may object; it only applies to terrorists, you may say; we are not Nazi Germany, you may insist. And yet. The forthcoming FISA bill extends Enabling Act thinking to additional unreviewable executive powers. The slippery slope has been well-oiled. The Niemöller poem stands waiting.

It is probably unrealistic to expect bright lines to be obvious at the moment they are crossed. But they don’t get much brighter than this: Congressional leaders have agreed to suspend habeus corpus, grant the President of the United States the power to torture, and allow the executive branch to operate beyond judicial review. The Administration will be free to dispense with the pretense that Abu Ghraib was a rogue operation of unsupervised underlings. Like a black hole, an Administration exercising unprecedented power accretes still more, with the blessings of those who cede it. We are on our way back to the nightmare that Nietzsche foresaw (but did not advocate) in which all is permitted.

President Bush, in yet another dog whistle callout to his faithful, has claimed that the disaster of Iraq will eventually be seen as “just a comma,” a reference to a sermon urging that followers not “put a period where God puts a comma.” The first Enabling Act was one such comma. There can be little doubt as to the kind of sentence Bush wants to write.



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US – Rogue State

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

US – Rogue State

Lawbreaker and torturer — that’s America, loud and proud.

By Matthew Yglesias

Web Exclusive: 09.26.06

“The United States is committed to the world-wide elimination of torture,” George W. Bush explained in a June 2003 speech, “and we are leading this fight by example.” Oh, the irony!

Intriguingly, at the time he seemed to have a good grasp of the relevant issues. “Freedom from torture,” he said, “is an inalienable human right.” True. “The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, ratified by the United States and more than 130 other countries since 1984, forbids governments from deliberately inflicting severe physical or mental pain or suffering on those within their custody or control.” Also true. And lastly, a straightforward recognition of who the torturers of the world are, and why they do it: “Yet torture continues to be practiced around the world by rogue regimes whose cruel methods match their determination to crush the human spirit.”

Last week, we learned that among those spirit-crushing rogue regimes was the government of the United States of America, which is now “leading by example” in the field of hair-splitting and wink-nod authorizations of torture. Thanks to the recent “compromise” between the hard-core torturers in the Bush administration and “moderate” Republican torture opponents, we continue to live in a country that does not officially endorse the infliction of “severe pain.” That would be torture, you see. “Serious pain,” however, is fine. That’s merely cruel and degrading treatment. (The president used to be against that, too, but, well, things change.)

The interesting thing, as David Luban points out, is that the compromise defines “serious pain” as “bodily injury that involves … extreme physical pain,” so the ultimate significance of this distinction between serious and severe might be called into question. More to the point, the law simply shreds the very concept of law, as Jack Balkin explained with this rundown of the components:

Eliminating the writ of habeas corpus, denying anyone the right to invoke rights guaranteed by Geneva in judicial actions, prohibiting the use of any foreign sources in construing the meaning of the Geneva Conventions, proclaiming that the president is the authoritative source of the meaning of Geneva with respect to the War Crimes statute, amending the War Crimes statute with language that allows the president to continue to engage in torture-lite (after all, he is now the authoritative source of its meaning), and finally, making all these amendments retroactive to November 26, 1997.

Other countries, of course, practice torture in violation of international law. As has now been clear for a while, we have been in their company for some years. The latest twist, however, is that we now won’t show any shame about it. Rather than simply violating the laws to which we have agreed to adhere, we’re repudiating them, simply denying that the standard by which civilized nations operate apply to us.

The problems here will be widespread. One of the strengths of democracies on the international scene is precisely that it’s much harder for liberal states to violate agreements. Dictatorships can say one thing and do another with ease. Democracies feature free presses, free speech, the rule of law, independent judiciaries, legislative oversight, and other measures to ensure that laws and treaties are followed. This is, to the conservative mind, a weakness. In their view, cheating is a good thing, and America’s historical difficulty in cheating constitutes a problem. They’re dead wrong. Cooperation is a good thing — the best ticket to prosperity, security, and international peace. Democracies can cooperate with other countries — and especially with other democracies — more credibly and effectively, and that’s one of the reasons the world’s democratic block is so much stronger and more prosperous than the rest of the world.

But the rule of law is now off the table as far as Bush is concerned. What’s more, insofar as national-security policy is at issue, the United States increasingly doesn’t look like much of a democracy. As the congressional Republicans march in lockstep behind the White House’s torture agenda, they don’t even know what that agenda’s composed of. The Boston Globe reported Saturday that 90 percent of members of Congress don’t know “which interrogation techniques have been used in the past, and none of them know which ones would be permissible under proposed changes to the War Crimes Act.” Which is just to say that, in practice, absolutely everything would be permitted, since the only people capable of overseeing the interrogation program haven’t done it, won’t do it, and have no intention of doing it in the future.

Consequently, the United States now presents itself as what amounts to the globe’s largest and most powerful rogue state — a nuclear-armed superpower capable of projecting military force to the furthest corners of the earth, acting utterly without legal or moral constraint whenever the president proclaims it necessary. The idea that striking such a posture on the world stage will serve our long-term interests is daft. American power has, for decades, rested crucially on the sense that the United States can be trusted and relied upon, on the belief that we use our power primarily to defend the community of liberal states and the liberal rules by which they conduct themselves rather than to undermine them.

An America prepared to casually toss out the most fundamental principles of international humanitarian diplomacy — along with basic human decency and the rule of law as side helpings — is not a country others are going to want to cooperate with. It will constitute a threat to their own interests and values. Nor will it be a country blessed with a lot of accurate intelligence. As Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky has pointed out, an intelligence service shot-through with demands that it torture people “degenerates into a playground for sadists,” the service itself “an army of butchers” skilled at terrorizing its victims but hardly capable of unraveling complicated investigations.

It’s a grim future brought to us by grim and deranged men — by people who seem to have developed an unhealthy level of admiration for America’s enemies. (They want the country they run to transform itself into a facsimile of its evil adversaries.) It’s a future in which it may become increasingly hard for decent citizens of this country to say truthfully that they’re proud to be Americans.

Matthew Yglesias is a Prospect staff writer.



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US Terrorize The World – 6 Ramadhan 1427 H (29.9.06)

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 29, 2006

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

You Call Me “Terrorist”, I Call You Coward

Dear “Terrorist” Child – Imprisoned in the Vortex of the Pax Americana

24/08/2006 “Information Clearing House” —– Growing up, young child, as you surely are, affected in some way, shape or form by the tentacles of America’s malevolent imperialism in the Middle East, whether by market colonialism, economic genocide or military occupation, surely bitterness, hatred, rage and a thirst for vengeance are slowly yet inevitably building inside your tiny body. Like a seed planted into the fertile soils of American hegemony, sprouting in anger with every downpour of American interference in your land, over time nurtured to become a tree bearing the blowback fruit America will be forced to reap, ready to ripen at maturity, your emotions against the Empire growing stronger with every year that passes, with every act of further humiliation and dehumanization, with every display of blatant hypocrisy or lost opportunity, with every new maiming and death upon your family and people.


9/11 : Driving While Muslim

Five years after 9/11, Muslim-American men are still being arrested on flimsy charges and accused of being terrorists.


Why do Palestinians want to destroy Israel and drive Israeli Jews into the sea?

This is the question asked most frequently by Israelis and Zionists. We will answer the question indirectly by asking the question below:

Are you aware that Israeli Zionists, during the 1948 war, pushed over 150,000 Palestinian refugees into the sea?



Vatican stands firm on Pope’s controversial comments

UNITED NATIONS – The Vatican Wednesday ignored a call by Islamic foreign ministers at the United Nations for the Pope to retract controversial references he made about Islam.

In a speech before the UN’s annual summit, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo said people with political influence should be doing all they can to ensure extremists are sidelined.

MMN NOTE: If The Vatican thinks it is going to win “souls for Christ” in the Muslim world by crapping all over the religion of Islam, it is only deluding itself.


Christians: We’ll fight for Israel

Millions of Evangelical Christians around the world support and constantly pray for the State of Israel , representatives at a meeting of the Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus said Wednesday.,7340,L-3309009,00.html

Let’s see them ENLIST!


Muslim influence in Europe studied

A study by U.S. political scientists finds the 15 million Muslims residing in Europe don’t pose a threat to European values or politics.

Researchers Carolyn Warner and Manfred Wenner of Arizona State University say they reached that conclusion given the extent of the European Muslims’ myriad divisions and internal fragmentation.

Read 24 paged the study at:


US – Rogue State

Lawbreaker and torturer — that’s America, loud and proud.

“The United States is committed to the world-wide elimination of torture,” George W. Bush explained in a June 2003 speech, “and we are leading this fight by example.” Oh, the irony!


Dictatorship : Something bad is about to happen. Only you can stop it, and the clock is ticking.

Under SPA . . .
* The President can spy on you without a warrant
* You’ll never learn that his spys have done so, until they use the information against you (legally or not)
* Your phone and internet providers can’t refuse to provide information about you
* Or tell you they’ve done so after the fact–ACT_NOW-SomethingBadIsHappening-PeterM.htm


Dictatorship : Thunder on the Mountain: The Murderers of Democracy

Who are these people? Who are these useless hanks of bone and fat that call themselves Senators of the United States? Let’s call them what they really are, let’s speak the truth about what they’ve done today with their votes on the bill to enshrine Bush’s gulag of torture and endless detention into American law.


Dictatorship : House OKs terrorism detainee bill in victory for Bush

Democrats opposed the bill by about a five-to-one margin, with many wanting to tone down the powers it would give to Bush and the limits it would impose on terror-war suspects’ abilities to defend themselves during trials.


Torture Tactics Refined In US Prisons, ACLU Says

The director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Prisoner Project Wednesday accused U.S. governments past and present of honing torture tactics in American prisons before they were allegedly implemented in terrorist detention centers in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The new “American value”: torture. Doesn’t it make you proud???


Doomed to repeat: Germany, 1933

I know how dangerous it is to argue by comparing present events to the Nazi nightmare. But I did a little research, and the comparison between the torture bill that Congress is about to pass and the Enabling Act of 1933 — the law that gave Hitler his power — seems inescapable to me.


Devil Can’t Compare to Bush, Politician Says

“Calling Bush the devil is offending the devil,” Correa said. He said that “the devil is evil, but intelligent.”

Whenever I hear Bush compared with Hitler, I tell them this is an unfair comparison, because Hitler served in actual combat.,1,795899.story?coll=la-news-a_section&ctrack=1&cset=true


Lawyer: officer at Guantánamo threatened me

A British lawyer who represents detainees at Guantánamo Bay yesterday claimed he was threatened with internment at the notorious camp by a US military officer.,,1881721,00.html


This Is What Waterboarding Torture Looks Like

As Congress has debated legislation that would set up military tribunals and govern the questioning of suspected terrorists (whom the Bush administration would like to be able to detain indefinitely), at issue has been what interrogation techniques can be employed and whether information obtained during torture can be used against those deemed unlawful enemy combatants. One interrogation practice central to this debate is waterboarding. It’s usually described in the media in a matter-of-fact manner. The Washington Post simply referred to waterboarding a few days ago as an interrogation measure that “simulates drowning.” But what does waterboarding look like?

Below are photographs taken by Jonah Blank last month at Tuol Sleng Prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The prison is now a museum that documents Khymer Rouge atrocities. Blank, an anthropologist and former Senior Editor of US News & World Report, is author of the books Arrow of the Blue-Skinned God and Mullahs on the Mainframe. He is a professorial lecturer at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and has taught at Harvard and Georgetown. He currently is a foreign policy adviser to the Democratic staff in


Iraqi Death Squads – Why Build A Death Squad?

The purpose of the death squads is to eliminate any potential leaders, so when the US leaves, and Israel installs it’s puppets, there won’t be any resistance. The US took the Sunnis out of power, and put the Shiites in charge of the Interior Ministry, which control the police. They followed up by blowing up Sunni shrines, and blaming the Shiites, which followed with car bombs on Shiite police stations. Both sides blamed each other blame, and this is the basis for the looming civil war.

The real control of Interior Ministry lies with the Mossad, and the upper echelon is mainly Israelis, and their mercenaries.


Full Report: Approval of Attacks on US-led Forces Rises to 6 in 10

79 percent of Iraqis say that the US is having a negative influence on the situation in Iraq, with just 14 percent saying that it is having a positive influence


Iraq: Quarter of a million flee occupied Iraq violence

The escalating violence in Iraq has resulted in the most suicide bombs in one single week since the war began in 2003 and 250,000 people registering as refugees in the past seven months.


War costs near $549 billion

In the current fiscal year, the Pentagon is expected each month to spend $1.5 billion in Afghanistan and $8 billion in Iraq.


In case you missed it: Operation Hollywood

The inside story of the cozy relationship between big box office American war movies and the Pentagon


Iraq : U.S. in more danger of terrorism

“So there’s no doubt that our country is in much more danger now from terrorism than it would have been if we would have done what we should have done and stayed in Afghanistan,” he said on the campaign trail with his son, Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Jack Carter.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 27 September 2006.

  • Residents of locked-down city of al-Hadithah appeal to world to break US blockade.
  • US troops gun down elderly Iraqi woman as she rummages through garbage dump looking for food in ar-Ramadi.
  • US blasts as-Sufiyah village area near ar-Ramadi with heavy artillery, killing five civilians Wednesday morning.
  • US air strike north of ar-Ramadi kills five civilians, wounds four more, most of them women and children.
  • As effort to split Iraq up along religious, ethnic lines continues, the bodies of 25 more Sunni Iraqis found murdered by Shi‘i sectarians in Baghdad Wednesday.
  • American troops murder family of eight near Ba‘qubah before dawn Wednesday, contrary to media claims.
  • Concern grows in Kirkuk over activity of “Israeli” organizations operating under the protection of Kurdish separatist authorities.
  • US troops seize more homes from villagers near al-Khalidiyah in effort to stem rising Resistance ambushes.
  • US Marines raid homes in al-Fallujah, arresting five at dawn Wednesday.
  • Katyusha rockets blast US base in al-Fallujah Tuesday evening.
  • Resistance bomb wounds US troop in Abu Ghurayb Wednesday morning.
  • Explosive motorcycle kills three puppet policemen in al-Mada’in Tuesday.
  • Iraqi Resistance bombs target motorcade of puppet “Agriculture Minister” Tuesday morning.
  • Resistance mortars pound Iraqi puppet army checkpoint west of Kirkuk Tuesday evening.


Afghanistan: The Other Lost War

The US Plan to Pacify Afghanistan and Control It As A Neocolonial State


The Taliban have `time on their side,’ senior officer says

`The enemy is becoming more tenacious’


Taliban to ABC News: OBL Alive and Safe

“Sheikh Osama is all right. He is safe,” Dadullah told ABC News’ Rahimullah Yusufzai. Dadullah would not disclose the location from where he was calling.

When pressed for evidence to show that bin Laden is alive, Dadullah hinted that there is a possibility of a tape being sent to media organizations to prove that the al Qaeda head isn’t dead. Dadullah, however, declined to say as to when this tape would be made available.


Pakistan’s servile dictator Musharraf warmly received by Blair

London, UK, September 28 ­ The subservient military dictator of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, was today once again warmly welcomed by UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on a visit to the UK.


U.S. chopper killed Afghans during ‘confused’ battle involving Canadians

An American attack helicopter killed four Afghan National Police officers and a teenage boy in a botched battle involving Canadian troops last spring, say newly released documents.



Washington, September 28, 2006: In the last 72 hours of Israel’s deliberately extended war on Lebanon, toward the middle of August when it was clear that a U.N. ceasefire would come into effect, the Israeli Air Force dropped more than a thousand cluster bombs over southern Lebanon, leaving behind a “lasting legacy” for the people of South Lebanon. These bombs had been largely supplied by the United States, and thus Americans too played a part in creating this dreadful aftermath.

The “lasting legacy” is spelled out by Anthony Shadid in an article on the front page of the September 26, 2006 Washington Post entitled “In Lebanon, a War’s Lethal Harvest: Threat of Unexploded Bombs Paralyzes the South.” Each of the cluster bombs that were rained down on Lebanon contained thousands bomblets the size of soda cans, that if picked up or brushed can cause immeasurable damage ­ loss of life or limb.



United Nations Human rights envoy to the Palestinian territories John Dugard has published a report Tuesday where he does not shy away from sharply criticizing Israel and the West for the situation in Gaza. “Israel has turned the Gaza Strip into a prison for Palestinians and have thrown away the key,” he said, adding that “in other countries this process might be described as ethnic cleansing.”,7340,L-3308494,00.html


The Human Catastrophe of Gaza Is a Time Bomb

Gaza constitutes a time bomb. Some 1.4 million people, mostly children, are piled up in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, with no freedom of movement, no place to run, and no space to hide. Virtually without external access since June, Gaza is experiencing a rise in poverty, unemployment, penury, and despair.


Why Hamas Resists Recognizing Israel

Viewpoint: The West is betting that continued Palestinian misery will force Hamas leaders to recognize Israel. But the strategy is as misguided as it is cruel,8599,1539653,00.html


Palestinian agricultural losses top US $1 billion

An ongoing economic boycott and intermittent border closures have created humanitarian problems for Gaza’s residents, including a deteriorating agricultural sector, the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority (PA) said.


How Israel Casts Its Dark Shadow Over Horn of Africa

After the Zionist attack on Lebanon, the Sanaa-based Yemeni daily Al-Thawra published an interesting piece of information. It said that Israel had transferred three warships from its military base on Eritrea’s Dahlak Island on the Red Sea to support their military operations against Lebanon.


20 Damning Facts About Voting In The USA

1 in 5 Americans believe the elections were fraudulent.


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9/11 : CIA Mole Killed in Basra

Posted by musliminsuffer on September 28, 2006


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 : CIA Mole Killed in Basra

Tuesday September 26th 2006, 8:27 am

Dead men don’t talk and Omar al-Farouk is dead, so he won’t be telling us about his exploits as a CIA recruit.

As you may recall, Omar escaped from the Bagram torture center in Afghanistan last year. How exactly a supposed high-ranking member of al-Qaeda escaped—by picking locks and navigating a mine field—from a “high value” military detention center was never explained, but the fact he was a CIA asset may have had something to do with it. It is said al-Farouk was a liaison between the al-Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan and Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia.

Few in the corporate media, however, mention A.C. Manulang, the former head of the State Intelligence Coordinating Board in Indonesia, who stated that al-Farouk was “assigned to infiltrate Islamic radical groups and recruit local agents within these groups” for the CIA, according to Tempo Interactive. “When Al Faruq finished his assignments, the CIA created a scenario that he had been arrested,” Manulang explained in September, 2002. Manulang believes al-Farouk recruited people from Islamic groups to commit several bombings and attempt to assassinate Megawati Sukarnoputri, the former president of Indonesia.

After al-Farouk was captured and underwent “interrogation,” we learned that Omar supposedly “sent Abu Bakr Baasyir, spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, a large sum of money in order to allow him to buy explosives,” according to the UK Telegraph. “A US report on the interrogation of Kuwaiti-born Omar al-Faruq, who is being held in Afghanistan, ‘refers to the transmission of $73,000 (£47,000) from Saudi Arabia to Baasyir, which he used to procure explosives’. But security sources cautioned that the explosive is much easier to get hold of than some reports have suggested.” No doubt, especially considering the explosive was military grade C-4.

“The explosive used in the Bali bomb attack could have come from supplies handed over to the Mujahideen by the CIA during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.”

It is, to say the least, curious al-Farouk “escaped” after a lawyer requested his testimony in a brutality case against a U.S. soldier. “While the possibility of al-Faruq making his way back to Indonesia remains a dangerous possibility, it is more conceivable that he may have joined the remnants of Al-Qaeda in or around Afghanistan or has made his way back to his country of heritage, Iraq,” reported the propaganda site Radio Free Europe. In fact, al-Farouk is Kuwaiti.

Now we are expected to believe he was killed after British troops raided a villa in Basra. “Omar al-Farouk was alone in the house in an upper-class neighborhood when soldiers from the Princess of Wales royal regiment entered, the Times of London reported…. ‘We wanted to arrest him, but regrettably he opened fire,’ Army spokesman Maj. Charlie Burbridge said.”

Regrettable, indeed, although a stroke of luck for the CIA, as dead moles tell no tales.



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