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Archive for April 1st, 2008

TV-7 (TRANS-7?) Menayangkan film FITNA ?!!@$%

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

NOTE from musliminsuffer:
Tadi pagi, pas saya nonton acara ulasan Halo Apakabar Indonesia TVOne tentang Film propaganda fintah ‘FITNA’. Hampir seluruh tokoh lintas agama dan lintas partai Indonesia mengutuk si binatang Geert Wilders. HANYA SATU yang nyleneh komentarnya dan terkesan ‘membenarkan’ fitnahan si binatang Geert Wilders.

Coba tebak siapa orang gila yang yang selalu memusuhi islam sendiri dg sengit ini …… si GD!!!

Berikut ini kutipan pernyataan si gila ini : “Menurut UUD’45, film yang memusuhi dan menghina islam seperti ini (FITNA – Geert Wilders) dibolehkan kok …”

-muslim voice-

From: mdh a (
Subject: TV7 menayangkan FITNA

sore hari bapak presiden kita melarang FITNA
lha kok tengah malam /dinihari tgl 1 april 2008 TV7 menayangkan secara visual film FITNA

jelas banget pertama dibuka judul film selanjutnya bacaan Al-Qur’an terus ada gambar Qur’an
ada khotib yang sedang pidato, gambar pesawat menabrak WTC dll

bahkan diulang sampai 2 kali
Siapa kah dibelakang layar TV7, kok sampai hati tidak menggubris bapak presiden kita


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Politisi Belanda Bikin Kartun Hina Nabi

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Politisi Belanda Bikin Kartun Hina Nabi


Sementara penolakan tentang peredaran film “fitna” masih menjadi berita
hangat di seluruh dunia, muncul lagi sebuah film kartun provokatif yang juga
dibuat politisi Belanda.

“Film ini menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW,” demikian jelas Ayhan Tunja, anggota
Dewan Muslim Belanda kepada iol, minggu melalui telepon.

Film kartun ini judulnya “The Life of Muhamad”, diproduksi oleh mantan
politisi partai Buruh Ehsan Jami, keturunan Iran.
Direncanakan akan dirilis tanggal 20 April nanti, film ini juga
menggambarkan kehidupan rumah tangga Rosululloh SAW.

Sebuah klip yang ditayangkan TV Belanda menunjukkan pria yang digambarkan
sebagai Nabi bersama istrinya yang berusia 9 tahun dalam perjalanan ke
masjid, untuk mencari penggangu istrinya.

“Film ini akan sangat menusuk Umat Islam”, terang Tunja dengan nada sinis.
“Kebebasan berbicara dihormati dalam masyarakat Belanda tapi kebebasan ini
bukan berarti dapat menghina kepercayaan dan nabi”.
Tunja mengatakan pihaknya akan merencanakan beberapa langkah untuk
menghadapi film dan aksi anti ISlam lain. Pihaknya telah melakukan
investigasi untuk mengambil langkah hukum untuk menghentikan film-film ini.

Film-film dan karikatur Nabi semakin meningkat seiring dengan Islamphobia di
masyarakat Eropa secara umum. Gambaran buruk terhadap Islam sengaja
dihembuskan oleh kaum kafir pembenci Islam yang khawatir dengan perkembangan
Islam yang pesat di Eropa.rmd/iol


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Catholicism’s neophyte is a fraud

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Catholicism’s neophyte is a fraud

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Palestine

March 31, 2008

Magdi Allam, the notorious Egyptian-born Italian Islamophobe-turned-Catholic, has been trying to create the impression that his highly-publicized conversion to Roman Catholicism at the Vatican last week is a genuine spiritual transformation.

However, a plethora of anti-Islam statements and remarks by the controversial neophyte suggests that the man is an imposter and that his conversion had more to do with morbid hatred of Islam and Muslims and less with true spirituality.

In fact, during and immediately after the conversion ceremony, Allam took the opportunity to besmirch the religion of up to 1.5 billion human beings, lumping all Muslims, the good, the practicing, the nominal, the peaceful, the violent, the extremist-in one category.

This is obviously an expression of morbid thinking, because a truly reasonable person would always seek make a careful distinction between what religion says and what some followers do? This is true with regard to Christianity, Islam and all other religions.

A few months ago, Tony Blair, who was not by all means an icon of moral excellence, also converted to Catholicism at the Vatican. However, unlike this fraudulent Allam, he didn’t use the conversion occasion to vilify the Anglican Church or heap calumnies on non-Catholic Christian religions.

Similarly, I have seen testimonies by numerous recent Christian converts to Islam who spoke solemnly of the common source of monotheistic religions, and none of them would label Christianity as “evil” and “physiologically violent” as Allam sought to smear Islam. This is despite all the wars, genocides, holocausts, inquisitions and crusades that have been carried out in the name of the Catholic Church, rightly or wrongly.

So why is it that Allam has been a conspicuously repugnant exception? And why has the Holy See remained silent, even acquiescent, toward this travesty of truth? Does offending the sensibilities of 1.5 billion human beings who hold Islam dear bring honor to Christianity? Is Allam going to serve his new religion by besmirching another religion? By fostering hatred for Islam and Muslims? By showing infatuation with Zionist racism and apartheid in Palestine? By embracing a state that practices ethnic cleansing, genocide, and mass murder of men, women and children whose only crime is their enduring determination to be free from oppression and foreign occupation?

What kind of a good Catholic will this man be when he wholeheartedly embraces a state that murders school children and then claims the murder was done by mistake, a state that allow fanatical thugs to take over Arab homes, Arab farms and Arab property and then calls itself the “only true democracy in the Middle East.”?

Last year, Allam published a book titled “Long Live Israel: From the Ideology of Death to the Civilization of Life, My story.” This work caricatured a psychological disturbed person who doesn’t hesitate to lie to serve his morbid thoughts, a man who ignores historically-established facts and who readily cite obscene Zionist lies in order to vindicate and glorify the Zio-Nazi state known as the state of Israel. What else can be said of a man who calls the destruction and obliteration of 500 Palestinian towns and villages, along with the expulsion of all their native inhabitants, “civilization of life”?

Allam is not ignorant of realities in Palestine-Israel. He knows that the Israelis are acting very much as the Third Reich did more than six decades ago. But he chooses to ignore all of this, because his entire approach is based on malice and hate, not honesty and conscience. He is a man without moral conscience, who is sick at the heart, because truly conscientious people wouldn’t call genocide, racism and ethnic cleansing ” expressions of liberty and civilization.”

I really wonder what Allam would think of testimonies made by hundreds of Catholic clergymen, including some from Italy and Germany, who have compared between Israel and Nazi Germany.

Last year, German Bishop, Gregor Maria Franz Hanke, while on a visit to the West Bank, described the Israeli policy toward the Palestinian in the following words:

“This morning we saw pictures of the Warsaw ghetto at Yad Vashem and this evening we are going to the Ramallah ghetto.”

Similarly, in 2002, Portuguese Nobel Laureate Jose Saramago, who also was on a visit to the West Bank, had this to say about Israel, which Allam believes represents light, culture and civilization.

“I didn’t know that in order to protect a few people, farmland had to be confiscated and crops had to be destroyed; I didn’t know that in order to provide security for a few people, hundreds had to be kept waiting at checkpoints and roadblocks before being allowed to return home exhausted, that is if they are not killed.”

In truth, Allam is a pseudo-Intellectual because if he were a real, let alone “courageous” intellectual, he would have dealt with the facts of Israeli criminality. Indeed, the fact that Allam chose to ignore these cardinal facts, which many conscientious Israeli intellectuals have exposed and highlighted, shows that he is a liar, a charlatan, and psychologically insecure person that is seeking to find refuge in mendacity and hatred of Islam and Muslims on Israel’s behalf.

Christianity, a great religion, shouldn’t court liars and messengers of hate.



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Vatican: Islam surpasses Roman Catholicism as world’s largest religion

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Vatican: Islam surpasses Roman Catholicism as world’s largest religion

People stop inside the grottos of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in front of the grave of late Pope John  Paul II, Wednesday April 13, 2005 file photo. The Vatican said Sunday, March 30, 2008, that it had made no decisions yet on whether to move Pope John Paul II's tomb from the grottos underneath St. Peter's Basilica. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/Peter Dejong

The Canadian Press Photo: People stop inside the grottos of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in front of…

Sun Mar 30, 3:36 PM By The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY – Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world’s largest religion, the Vatican newspaper said Sunday.

“For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us,” Monsignor Vittorio Formenti said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.

Formenti compiles the Vatican’s yearbook.

He said that Catholics accounted for 17.4 per cent of the world population – a stable percentage – while Muslims were at 19.2 per cent.

“It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make a lot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer,” the monsignor said.

Formenti said that the data refer to 2006.

The figures on Muslims had been put together by Muslim countries and then provided to the United Nations, he said, adding that the Vatican could only vouch for its own data.

When considering all Christians and not just Catholics, Christians make up 33 per cent of the world population, Formenti said.



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Americans Say Iraqis Unappreciative of Favors

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Americans Say Iraqis Unappreciative of Favors

Haifa Zankana, Translated By Ferris Tubia
March 31, 2008

Five years crammed with devastation, destruction and vagrancy. Trees burning, and breathing the Uranium-loaded air, flowing from north to south, spreading slow death all over, not distinguishing between race, gender or religion.

All types of cancer are stretching and reproducing as fast as their malignant cells; like the abominable racism,; like men coming home to take revenge on their people and their country; like children suddenly losing their innocence, turning into men ready to use their weapon; or maybe like an Iraqi woman, in her black barracan, in an everlasting mourning, looking in hospitals and graves for her beloved ones, with a face eaten by sadness. This face has forgotten the meaning of happiness. It was created by God with lips and eyes always prepared to cry; with eyes blazed with bitterness, taking her permanent rage everywhere she goes, forcing herself to keep living, reminding herself every second that raising what is left from her kids is more essential than cowardliness and death.

Five years have passed and the barbarians, and whoever gave them the keys to our cities, have been living on our land, killing and then justifying, throwing their sweet words at us, trying to fool us into believing their lies and excuses, to keep their hands clean from the blood that is covering the streets and the sidewalks; covering our eyes from seeing anything but death. They are all conquerors; Americans, British, Israelis, and Iraqi serving them, begging them to stay, afraid of their definite fate, death.

Five years have passed. So, how did the conquerors find us Iraqis? According to parts of their speeches and statements, “Iraqis deny our favors and kindness towards them. They do not appreciate our sacrifices. Screw them sons of a *****. They do not stop attacking us. They are (Hajj and Hajja) [pilgrims], and they deserve instantaneous death; let’s kill the Hajj and Hajja so we can enjoy the wealth; let’s put them all in Abu Ghraib, they are a bunch of illiterate delinquents…Iraq is not what you see on TV, it is ten times worse. It is actually the worst spot on the face of earth”

“I despise this country. It’s a desolate desert. It has no McDonald’s,” says the conqueror, while looking at one of the historical sites, or let’s say ruins. Then we hear an American corporal screaming at the Iraqi soldiers surrounding him, “I feel like killing today. We need to do some more terrorist-hunting.” When Lynndie England, the former American reservist who achieved absolute equality between men and women in practicing the different forms of torture and abuse in Abu Ghraib, tried to justify her cruelty towards the Iraqi prisoners’ naked bodies, she said that she was “bored” and she actually was ordered by individuals in higher ranks to do so; then we have Abeer Kassim Hamza Al-Janabi, the little Iraqi girl whose house was attacked by the American marines, and whose parents and sister Hadeel were killed and she, the little girl, was communally raped by a collection of Americans. Before committing their crime, and before releasing a report accusing the Sunni insurgents of this inhumane crime, the American soldiers were thinking to themselves, “We want to taste the pleasure of having sex with an Iraqi woman.” More and more innocent people are being killed, even children and powerless women, like in the massacres of Haditha, Al Kaem, and Al-Ishaqi, where the most modern and developed ways of psychological and physical torment and torture were used; like the Iraqi prisoners, being transferred to cells outside Iraq, resembling zombies, disappearing unknowingly, in blurred locations, I wonder if they exist!

“Hajj Girl”, which is a demeaning nickname for Iraqi women, is the most popular song amongst the young soldiers. It talks about a soldier using a little Iraqi girl as a human armor during an Iraqi attack. The song finishes with, “and when the bullets spurted out of the rifle, the blood escaped her eyes, just like bullets out of a rifle, and I laughed hysterically!” An American marine advises his fellows to kill unhesitant, “shoot your bullets swiftly, and if it hunts a civilian, well, I guess you’d rather have his mother weeping than yours.” How about the other civilians, the ones that opened the gates of our cities to the conquerors, believing naively that these raiders are going to save us, or maybe they were looking for their own advantage, or perhaps they wanted to take revenge on whoever has stayed in Iraq so they can taste the bitterness…Who knows!

When the Abu Ghraib scandal was uncovered and the pictures were accessible to the whole world, Jalal Talabani legitimated the case, smiling, saying that the former regime led by Saddam Hussein had committed what is more brutal and dreadful. It feels like there is a competition to cruelty against Iraqis, which Talabani entered to beat his rivals who are trying to take control of Iraq, and maybe to beat Saddam. It was funny that the Human Rights Watch representative agreed with Talabani that what happened in the prisons was “normal” , forgetting, due to his idiocy or perhaps mental enslavement, that his position requires him to defend human “rights” at any cost. Then we had Ayad Allawi, who imposed Martial Law on Iraq (except for the northern cities) as soon as he was chosen by the Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq Paul Bremer to become the prime minister in the interim Iraqi government. Allawi was the face of the Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, bombing its sacred mosques, slaughtering its youth and simply tearing down the whole city. The same ravage fell on Najaf, Karbala, Mosul, Samraa, and Telafer led by Allawi and whoever succeeded him of those prejudiced prime ministers, starting with Jaafari to Al Maliki, and definitely instructed by Talabani and Barazani. And to the team contributing to the crumbing of Iraq brick by brick emerges Tareq El Hashimi, the Iraqi vice president and head of the Islamic party, living on his thirst to sectarian representation and begging the Americans to stay. All of the prejudice-worshippers have released their pronouncements for the fifth anniversary to our “freedom”, pointing at the importance of fighting terrorism, warning us of the consequences of the “multinational” military forces leaving us now. Mowaffak al-Rubaie also released his statements as usual. He was the one rewarded by Bremer by appointing him National Security Advisor, which is an incumbency made just for him, irrevocable by the Iraqi government. It is widely known that Al-Rubaie, or Moe Baqqer which was the name he preferred to go by while in Britain, was a spokesman for the Islamic Dawa Part in the 1980’s, and has remarkably good relations with the Khoei Foundation, which supports the American way of dealing with Iraq and the Middle East in general. Bremer’s reward for al-Rubaie were in return for his services as a mailman, transferring letters back and forth from Bremer to Ali al-Sistani. Rubaie is well known for his boldness in releasing false, untruthful statements and going back on his words calmly and sneakily on the BBC of afterwards, and then later he releases other statements that completely contradict his older ones. He is the one that accused the terrorist Sunnis, according to the BBC, of bombing the two-Imam tombs in Samraa, in a time where the last thing we would need is to pour gas on the fire.

He was also the one announcing in October of 2007 that the reason the security agencies in Iraq are committing all these crimes is because of the protection they receive due to the 17th amendment released by Bremer. What he forgot to mention is that during that time, he was the National Security Advisor for the Coalition Provisional Authority, but he never objected any decision made. He was actually well known for his blind obedience to Bremer.

Rubaie also attended the execution of Saddam Hussein and came out claiming that Saddam was “very broken”, until we saw the hanging on film. He explained the trills of joy heard on the clip after the execution by saying that “It’s an Iraqi tradition for people to dance around the dead”. He tried to justify this inhumane reaction, opposing all human rights promises made for the “new, democratic” Iraq.

Then Rubaie, a doctor just like Allawi and Jaafari, started competing with the former United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who said that killing half a million Iraqi children for the cause of getting rid of Saddam’s regime is reasonable. He, almost a decade later, affirmed on the CNN that the millions dying, on both the Iraqi and American side, is a price we have to pay to take control of the situation.

The statements and letters written by the American soldiers, those that we can read on the internet, show us that they want to leave Iraq as soon as possible, since they are tired of the Iraqis being unappreciative of their “favors” and “sacrifices”, and on top of that, they are being fought against in every possible way, so they are begging their leaders to send them home now when they are in one piece. On the other hand, all the stooges, with their different prejudices and idiocies, are begging the conquerors to stay and protect them, just like now, in the Green Zone. So, if we assume that al Rubaie’s pronouncement represents what the stooges are thinking, then, and for the first time ever, he was telling the truth when he said, “If we do not triumph, if we do not win this war, then we are over!”.

– A writer from Iraq

Iraq – Al Quds Al Arabi – Original Article (Arabic)



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9/11 : U.S. Media Defends Phony “Al Qaeda”

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 : U.S. Media Defends Phony “Al Qaeda”

All you know about sham “war on terror” may be WRONG….

TopCat by TopCat

on Mar. 28, 2008 at 07:45pm

Kool-Aid State

Anyone that challenges the status quo on websites that pretend at being an alternative to corporate media may know what I address here. For the rest of you, the reality our western world has been run on since an obvious whitewash at 9/11 with its gimcrack “war on terror” on the public nickel is far from a pretty one.

Case in point: I was recently banned from the site “Alternet” for daring to suggest “Al Qaeda” is largely a propaganda farce and hollow trap meant to deceive a rather gullible American public – which it certainly has. I didn’t just up and decide to invent this, by the way. Documented authors Webster Tarpley (“Synthetic Terror”) and Michel Chossudovsky (“America’s ‘War on Terrorism’”) along with a host of other well-researched journalists, academics and government insiders have said the same and more.

Sound outrageous?

Take a look at BBC documentary “THE POWER of NIGHTMARES” for what author (“Al Qaeda: the True Story of Radical Islam”) and Chief Reporter of the London Observer Jason Burke says of “Al Qaeda” exactly 12 minutes into the film:

“The idea which is critical to the FBI’s prosecution that Bin Laden ran a coherent organization with operatives and cells all around the world, of which you could be a member – is a myth. THERE IS NO “AL QAEDA” ORGANIZATION. There is no international network with a leader – with cadres who will unquestioningly obey orders, with tentacles that stretch out to sleeper cells in America, in Africa, in Europe. That idea of a coherent, structured terrorist network with an organized capability simply DOES NOT EXIST.”

In case you missed it, Jason Burke word-for-word states, “ THERE IS NO ‘AL QAEDA’ ORGANIZATION” where “Al Qaeda” as a “terrorist network with an organized capability simply DOES NOT EXIST”. That would clearly mean “Al Qaeda” didn’t exist on 9/11. This, from a world-class journalist who lived with radical Islamists all over the Mid East and Eurasia at Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

Still with me so far?

Again, I would encourage anyone who wants the most basic clue on this to watch BBCs “THE POWER of NIGHTMARES” documentary which will not be broadcast in America. It outlines the fact “Al Qaeda” was originally palmed off by the FBI-Washington establishment at a Manhattan courtroom in January 2001 exploiting the crazed testimony of Jamal Al-Fadl — a con-man militant who robbed money from former CIA asset Bin Laden. Jamal Al-Fadl agreed to make up his largely baseless conspiracy tales in the pay of U.S. government handlers. “The Power of Nightmares” further reveals the “Al Qaeda” tag was never used by Osama Bin Laden (or anyone else in the Mid East-Eurasian theatre) until AFTER 9/11 when a Washington-MSM corporate axis sold the “Al Qaeda” slogan based on paid-for testimony of Al-Fadl — a known Sudanese liar, thief and swindler.

But of course the swindle didn’t end with Jamal Al-Fadl. (It didn’t start with him either)

There is ample precedent for false-flag operations that date from before CIA overthrow of at least 20 democracies since WW 2 and on to the treachery at Tonkin Gulf for Vietnam, not to mention CIA “Operation Gladio” cooked to murder innocent European civilians from the 1940s thru the 80s to frame “leftists”. It also couldn’t be much of a surprise who it was that put Saddam into power and kept him there until he was officially suckered to take Kuwait for Gulf War I.

Bottom line?

Anyone who believes that over 900 Washington lies of proven deceit at “war on terror” in Iraq is where the deception begins and ends is sadly mistaken. Ask whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, for one. This happens to be a very BIG LIE that contains a train wreck of serial lies beginning from before a 9/11 “war on terror” cover-up that has never stopped taking lives and blood money on the public dime…



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Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after. This video documentary is off the hook…


See Parts I and II here

FOX NEWS Interview with Ian Blair (LINK):Blair said, “Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working … but this has the hallmark of that approach.”

Still no connection between Saddam and Al-qaeda – March 2008 (Link)


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UN Could Lead New 9/11 Investigation, Says Japanese MP

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

UN Could Lead New 9/11 Investigation, Says Japanese MP

Fujita says potential move afoot to have global body probe suspicions surrounding terror attacks

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Monday, March 31, 2008

Japanese member of Parliament Yukihisa Fujita told the Alex Jones Show yesterday that a potential new investigation of the 9/11 cover-up could be led by global parliamentarians he has been in contact with, or even by the United Nations itself.

Fujita, an MP for the Japanese Democratic Party, and a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet (national legislature), presented evidence which contradicted the official 9/11 story during a widely publicized Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in January of this year.

Following Fujita’s presentation in the Japanese Diet, he also took part in a 9/11 truth conference at the EU Parliament in Brussels on February 26th which was hosted by Italian MEP Giullietto Chiesa (both presentations can be viewed at the end of this article).

“This is something Parliamentarians of various countries could ask – I was in Europe meeting with European MP’s and they are also thinking about asking the UN to investigate, so these kind of efforts need to be done internationally,” said Fujita, adding that he had visited eleven different European countries in an attempt to garner support for the move.

Fujita said the reaction to his presentation of the evidence during a session of the Japanese Parliament was encouraging, adding that several members of his party were already aware of some of the issues surrounding the incredulity of the official story.

The Japanese MP said that he first began researching 9/11 around two years ago after watching documentaries and looking at evidence online.

“At the beginning I thought I couldn’t believe, this can’t be true, but then last year when I heard more about various facts and photos of the collapse of the seven building (WTC 7) and the put options conducted before 9/11 – I began to see that there was serious evidence that a cover-up might have been involved,” Fujita told the Alex Jones Show.

The MP personally visited the former President of Germany’s Bundesbank (presumably Ernst Welteke), who admitted that suspicious insider trading on American and United Airlines did take place immediately before 9/11.

Fujita said the deaths of 24 Japanese citizens during as a result of the attack in New York spurred him to ask why no cause of death had been properly ascertained by the Japanese government as would be routine, and why no DNA records had been recovered.

Fujita said he was currently engaged in a back and forth question and answer process with the Japanese Prime Minister in an attempt to get questions about 9/11 answered.

The MP said that people had warned him to be careful about asking questions about 9/11 because it could put his life in danger.

Fujita will today report back on his meetings in Europe and Sydney to fellow members of his party in an attempt to achieve further momentum in attaining consensus for a comprehensive investigation of 9/11 led by independent global Parliamentarians and not by Bush administration cronies, as was the case with the 9/11 Commission.


9/11 Truth Conference at EU Parliament in Brussels, February 26th, 2008. (see video)

Yukihisa Fujita’s 9/11 Presentation to the Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee, January 11th, 2008. (see video)



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Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


Watch the following video to see how Muslims are treated in the USA…. and the reactions of the others when they witness it…



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More Muslim Journalists needed to reduce Islamic misconceptions in Media

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 1, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Muslim Journalists needed to reduce Islamic misconceptions in Media

More Muslim Journalists needed to reduce Islamic misconceptions in Media
The managing editor of one of the country’s biggest newspapers thinks
news organizations ought to hire more Muslim reporters.

Philip Bennett, the Washington Post’s managing editor, said reporters
often struggle with understanding Islam during a speech Monday at UCI
about the difficulties of covering the religion.

Bennett’s speech focused on the media’s need to cover issues concerning
Islam in an in-depth, long-term manner.

To illustrate this point he drew mainly from quotes of notable
colleagues and statistical polls, rarely giving his own opinion

“Six of 10 Americans, according to a 2007 ABC Poll, don’t understand the
basic tenets of Islam,” Bennett said.

He attributed this to the lack of Muslims working in American newsrooms.

“At the Post I want more Muslim readers and I want more Muslim
journalists,” he said.

Words poorly translated from Arabic to English are a big source of
confusion caused by the lack of Muslim voices in the American media,
according to Bennett.

Zeyad Maasarani, 22, a Muslim reporter for California’s most circulated
Muslim publication, Southern California in Focus, agrees with Bennett
that terms like “jihad,” “madrasa” and “hijab” are a big source of the
public’s misunderstanding of Islam.

“Jihad means holy war, which is the definition that most Americans know,
but it also means struggle, and valiant attempt,” Maasarani said.

One such word that has been contentiously debated in newsrooms is
“Islamist,” which generally refers to a political movement governed by
Islamic law. Bennett said at the Washington Post editors still have not
decided whether to add it to their style book.
Some argue the word is a useful distinction for movements like Hamas and
Hezbollah, but others at the Post argue that it is too vague and should
be omitted in favor of a more specific description.

Bennett spent most of his time recalling an anecdote about a
misunderstood Muslim group in Walkersville, Md., who were trying to
purchase a large amount of land for a retreat.

The Ahmadiyya, an Islamic sect considered heretical through much of the
Muslim world, did TV interviews, town hall meetings and even
door-to-door interviews to try to convince the people of Walkersville
that they meant well, according to Bennett, but the county zoning board
ultimately denied permission to buy the land.

He cites cursorily researched articles in the local and national
newspapers that neglected to figure out who the Ahmadiyya really were as
a primary reason that their proposal was met with massive protests.

Bennett said that in the period following 9/11 there was a lot of
uninformed writing about Islam, and that “the best journalism fought
against the tide of public perception.”

Bennet’s lecture is part of a larger series of events on religion and
politics sponsored by the UCI Center for the Study of Democracy.



-muslim voice-

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