Muslim in Suffer

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Archive for April 5th, 2008

“Kritik atas Ulil Absar ihwal Kemaksuman Nabi”

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

“Kritik atas Ulil Absar ihwal Kemaksuman Nabi”

Qosim Nursheha Dzulhadi

Mantan koordinator Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL), Ulil Absar-Abdalla menulis (07/01/2008) satu artikel problematis di situs JIL, “Doktrin-doktrin Yang Kurang Perlu dalam Islam” (

Salah seorang ‘Santri Pesantren Harvard’, Amerika, ini menulis “sebelas” doktrin yang kurang perlu” di dalam Islam. Dalam tulisannya tersebut, tujuan Ulil ingin mengetengahkan satu ajaran Islam, “tawadlu”. Ulil menulis: “Saya hanya ingin menganjurkan suatu corak keberagamaan yang rendah hati, yang tidak arogan dengan mengemukakan kleim-kleim yang berlebihan tentang agama. Jika Islam menganjurkan etika “tawadlu‘”, atau rendah hati, maka etika itu pertama-tama harus diterapkan pada Islam sendiri. Mengaku bahwa agama yang paling benar adalah Islam jelas menyalahi etika tawadlu’ itu. Mendaku bahwa setelah Nabi Muhammad tidak ada nabi atau rasul lagi adalah berlawanan dengan etika tawadlu’. Mendaku bahwa Islam menghapuskan agama sebelumnya sama sekali tak mencerminkan sikap tawadlu‘.”

Mari kita lihat, sebelas poin doktri Islam yang dikritiknya. Apakah benar kritiknya tersebut menyajikan sikap tawadlu‘ Islam yang diklaimnya? Atau, sebaliknya?

Pertama, “doktrin bahwa Nabi tidak bisa berbuat salah. Menurut saya, doktrin ini sama sekali tak berkaitan dengan inti dan esensi agama Islam, dan karena itu kurang perlu.”

Yang diinginkan Ulil mungkin sifat ma‘shûm (‘ishmah) dari Nabi Muhammad SAW. Benarkah doktrin ini bukan inti Islam? Di dalam Al-Qur’an dijelaskan banyak ayat tentang ‘ishmah (baca: ‘kemaksuman’) ini, dan tidak hanya ‘dimonopoli’ oleh Nabi SAW. Ulil justru tidak menyelesaikan masalah ‘ishmah, malah memperuncing masalah. ‘Ishmah dalam Al-Qur’an tidak hanya ‘ishmah untuk Nabi SAW, melainkan untuk seluruh yang lainnya. Buktinya dapat dilihat dari catatan seorang pemikir liberal Arab, Samir Islambuli, sebagai berikut:
[1] ‘Ishmah (proteksi) dari “pembunuhan” (al-qatl). Ini tidak terjadi kepada seluruh nabi, melainkan kepada sebagian nabi Bani Isra’il (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2]: 61), karena nabi Ibrahim selamat dari pembunuhan (Qs. Al-Anbiyâ’ [21]: 69), nabi Musa (Qs. Al-Qashash [28]: 20) dan nabi Muhammad SAW (Qs. Al-Mâ’idah [5]: 67).
[2] ‘Ishmah dari ‘lupa’ (al-nisyân), berbuat salah (al-khatha’) dalam menyampaikan risalah Allah (al-tablîgh). Inilah yang disebut dengan ‘ishmah rabbaniyyah (‘proteksi Ketuhanan’). ‘Ishmah ini “harus ada” dalam diri Rasulullah SAW, karena beliau menyampaikan message Tuhannya (Qs. Al-A‘lâ [87]: 6, Qs. Al-Najm [53]: 4, dan Qs. Al-Hijr [15]: 9). “Pemeliharaan” di sini adalah untuk “materi wahyu”, yang mengharuskan adanya pemeliharaan nabi dari “hilang akal” atau terkena penyakit gila. Karena hal itu membuat cacat materi wahyu. Maka, Allah harus memelihara beliau dari segala hal tersebut.
[3] ‘Ishmah dari kekufuran (al-kufr) dan kemaksiatan (al-ma‘âshiy). ‘Ishmah ini disebut dengan ‘ishmah iktisâbiyah-ma’rifiyyah (proteksi yang diperoleh lewat usaha-kognitif). Hal ini dapat dibaca, misalnya, dalam Qs. Al-Mulk [67]: 14 dan Qs. Al-An‘âm [6]: 124).
[4] ‘Ishmah dari kesalahan dalam memahami sesuatu dan memahaminya. Jenis ini tidak dimiliki oleh makhluk manapun, termasuk para malaikat. (Lihat lebih detail, Samir Islambuli, Tahrîr al-‘Aql min al-Naql wa Qirâ’ah Naqdiyyah ‘an Ahâdîts al-Bukhârî wa Muslim, (al-Awâ’il-Suria-Damascus, I, 2000: 136-137 dan 140).

Jika kita lihat dan kita komparasikan antara kandungan Al-Qur’an dan Bible, akan tampak bahwa Al-Qur’an sangat menjunjung tinggi ‘ishmah para rasul Allah. Sementara dalam Bible, beberap nabi Allah justru dilecehkan ‘ishmah-nya, seperti nabi Sulaiman (Solomon), Dawud (David), Luth (Lot), dll.

Kedua, “doktrin bahwa sumber hukum hanya terbatas pada empat: Quran, hadis, ijma‘, dan qiyas. Doktrin ini menjadi “hallmark” dari sekte Ahlussunnah waljamaah di mana-mana, sepanjang sejarah. Doktrin ini sebetulnya kurang perlu dan menjadi alat ortodoksi Islam untuk mempertahankan status quo. Sumber hukum jelas tidak bisa dibatasi dalam empat sumber itu. Islam tidak berkurang nilainya sebagai agama jika doktrin ini dihilangkan.”
Hemat penulis, Ulil sendiri yang membatasi sumber hukum hanya Islam hanya pada empat hal di atas: Al-Qur’an, hadis, ijmâ‘ dan qiyâs. Para ushûliyyûn (pakar Ushul Fiqh) justru memperluas cabang sumber hukum dari empat sumber di atas, semisal: istihsan, istishâb, ‘urf, mashâlih mursalah (ini terkenal bagi kalangan Liberal, karena banyak mengutip pemikiran Najm al-Dîn al-Thûfî dalam ‘Risâlah al-Thûfî fi al-Mashlahah, sehingga al-Thûfî dianggal ‘liberal’), al-akhdzu bi’aqalli mâ qîla, syar‘u man qablanâ, dslb. Para ushûliyyûn membuat satu bab khusus dalam buku-buku Ushul Fiqh tentang sumber hukum-hukum tersebut, yakni al-adillah al-muttafaq ‘alayha dan al-adillah al-mukhtalaf fiha. Kenapa ini luput dari kritik Ulil?

Jika kaum liberal, semacam Ulil ini, mau konsisten dengan pemikirannya, mereka ‘wajib’ mempertahankan konsep al-Thûfî tentang al-mashlahah. Muhammad Jamal Barut, misalnya, membela habis-habisan konsep al-Thûfî ini, yang menurutnya “melampaui” konsep al-mashlahah-nya Imam Malik ibn Anas ra. Sungguh, ini pemikiran Ulil yang “aneh”.

Ketiga, doktrin bahwa Nabi Muhammad adalah Nabi akhir zaman. Doktrin ini jelas “janggal” dan sama sekali menggelikan. Setiap agama, dengan caranya masing-masing, memandang dirinya sebagai “pamungkas”, dan nabi atau rasulnya sebagai pamungkas pula. Doktrin ini sama sekali kurang perlu. Apakah yang ditakutkan oleh umat Islam jika setelah Nabi Muhammad ada nabi atau rasul lagi?”

Sebagaimana galibnya, kaum liberal memang sangat phobia dengan truth-claim. Kalau bisa, semua agama itu sama. Tidak usah saling mengklaim doktrinnya paling benar. Padahal, sikap fanatik itu “wajib” ada dalam setiap hati para pemeluk satu agama. Doktrin lakum diinukum wa liyadin hemat penulis adalah sangat gamblang tentang ini. Masalahnya tidak semudah “takut or tidak takut” jika muncul ‘nabi’ setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Masalahnya adalah “sangat krusial dan fundamental”, karena berkaitan dengan Al-Qur’an dan hadis Nabi SAW. Allah menyatakan ‘finalitas kenabian’ di dalam Kitab-Nya (Qs. Al-Ahzab [33]: 40). Nabi SAW pun menyatakan bahwa “tidak ada nabi setelahku” (HR. Al-Bukhari, XI/271). Saya sudah menulis tentang ini secara detail di:

Keempat, “doktrin bahwa sebuah agama mengoreksi atau bahkan menghapuskan agama sebelumnya. Ini adalah yang disebut sebagai doktrin supersesionisme. Doktrin ini tertanam kuat dalam psike dan “mindset” umat Islam. Doktrin ini tak lain adalah cerminan “keangkuhan” sebuah agama. Kehadiran agama tidak terlalu penting dipandang sebagai “negasi” atas agama lain. Agama-agama saling melengkapi satu terhadap yang lain. Kristen bisa belajar dari Islam, Islam bisa belajar dari Yahudi, Yahudi bisa belajar dari tradisi-tradisi timur, dan begitulah seterusnya.”

Konsep naskh memang menjadi perdebatan ulama, khusus naskh Al-Qur’an dengan Al-Qur’an. Dari al-Umm, Imam Syafi‘i (w. 204 H) menjelaskan tentang ini. Syeikh Muhammad al-Ghazali menolak naskh Al-Qur’an dengan Al-Qur’an dalam berbagai tulisannya. Lebih tajam lagi bisa dibaca dalam karya seorang pakar hadis Mesir, Shiddiq al-Ghumari, ‘Dzawq al-Halawah. Saya sangat setuju dengan al-Ghumari, tidak ada naskh Al-Qur’an dengan Al-Qur’an. Tapi naskh syari‘at, ini menjadi kesepakatan para ulama. Kenapa? Karena ini konsep Al-Qur’an (Qs. Al-Ma’idah [5]:48). Al-Qur’an dalam ayat ini bukan hanya sebagai “penguat” (mushaddiq), melainkan juga “batu ujian” (muhaymin ‘alayh).

Dalam Kristianitas, Yesus memang menolak ‘membawa agama baru’. Dia mengaku hanya menyempurnakan agama Yahudi yang dibawa oleh Musa Tapi Nabi Muhammad SAW benar-benar ‘Rasul Pamungkas’ (dan ini ditolak oleh Ulil). Hemat saya, pemikiran Ulil ini juga “aneh”.

Kelima, “doktrin bahwa kesalehan ritual lebih unggul ketimbang kesalehan sosial. Orang yang beribadah dengan rajin kerap dipandang lebih “Muslim” ketimbang mereka yang bekerja untuk kemanusiaan, hanya karena mereka tidak beribadah secara rutin. Agama bisa ditempuh dengan banyak cara, antara lain melalui pengabdian kepada kemanusiaan.”

Ini “lebih aneh” lagi! Dalam Islam, seluruh ibadah diproyeksikan membantuk ‘kesalehan individual dan masyarakat’, bukan sembarang ibadah. Puasa agar menjadi “takwa” (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2]: 183); shalat agar ‘terhindar dari perbuatan keji-munkar’ (Qs. Al-‘Ankabût [8]: 45); dan zakat membentuk ‘kepekaan sosial’ (Qs. Al-Tawbah [9]: 60). Akh…saya kira Ulil hanya ‘bercanda’ menuliskan doktrin yang kurang penting di atas. Saya khawatir, orang-orang Muslim yang membagikan sembako kepada orang yang ditimpa Tsunami atau lumpur Lapindo ‘dianggap sebagai Muslim’, padahal tidak shalat. Muslim tetap harus shalat dan membantu orang lain. Keduanya harus dikerjakan, baru benar-benar Muslim. Saya husnudzdzan, Ulil faham benar tentang Qs. Al-Mâ‘ûn [107]: 1-7. Saya kira, konklusinya di atas adalah “aneh”.

Keenam, “doktrin bahwa mereka yang tidak mengikuti jalan Islam atau agama orang berangkutan adalah “kafir”. Ini mekanisme yang nyaris standar dalam semua agama. Semua agama cenderung memandang bahwa mereka yang ada di luar “lingkaran penyelamatan” adalah domba-domba sesat. Doktrin ini, sekali lagi, cerminan dari arogansi sebuah agama tertentu. Sudah jelas bahwa jalan keselamatan adalah banyak sekali.”
Tentu kita tidak heran tentang klaim ini. Ini kan yang disebut dengan “pluralisme” itu? Ajaran ini ‘wajib’ dipegang kuat-kuat oleh kaum liberal, karena sudah menjadi ‘sunnah’ kehidupan mereka. Ini jelas “aneh”, karen mengadopsi dari doktrin orang lain. Extra ecclesiam nulla sallus, doktrin Gereja yang sudah diubah pada konsili Vatikan II (1962-1965). Gereja menyatakan bahwa “di luar Gereja” juga ada keselamatan.

“Domba-domba sesat” kan doktrin Gereja? Jalan keselamatan dalam Islam juga banyak: sedekah, shalat, haji, istighfar, baca Al-Qur’an. Tapi Islam menolak bahwa Budha, Hindu, Confusius, Kristen, Yahudi, Aliran Kepercayaan, Kejawen, Ahmadiyah, Komunitas Eden, Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah, Baha’iyah, dslb, sebagai “jalan keselamatan”. Jalan keselamatan hanya ada dalam Islam. Jelas ini ditentang oleh kaum Liberal. Tapi inilah doktrin Islam. Dan truth-claim itu akan tetap menjadi ‘sunnatullah’. Ulil pun menganggap pemikirannya yang “benar”, padahal belum tentu. Bukankah ini “aneh”?

Ketujuh, “berkaitan dengan doktrin sebelumya, ada doktrin lain yang biasanya bekerja dalam lingkaran internal masing-masing agama. Dalam Islam, ada doktrin tentang “sekte yang diselamatkan”, al-firqah al-najiyah. Kelompok yang menyebut dirinya ahlussunnah wal-jamaah memandang dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kelompok dalam Islam yang masuk sorga, sementara kelompok lain sesat. Begitu juga kelompok Syiah memandang dirinya sebagai satu-satunya kelompok yang selamat, selebihnya sesat. Doktrin ini diteruskan oleh MUI dalam bentuk lain melalui fatwa penyesatan. Mendaku bahwa yang selamat hanya lingkaran tertentu adalah sebentuk arogansi.”

Ulil kembali ‘menyalahkan MUI’. Saya kira pendapat MUI dengan pendapat Ulil tidak berbeda. Menurut MUI yang tidak sesuai dengan akidah Islam adalah “di luar Islam” (seperti Ahmadiyah), dan menurut Ulil “komunitas yang ada di luar Islam” tetap akan selamat juga. Apa bedanya? Beda redaksi saja bukan? Saya ulangi lagi, truth-claim itu ‘sunnatullah’. Tapi, truth-claim harus “objektif”. Standar dan kriteria MUI dalam menetapkan satu aliran atau ajaran itu “sesat or not” sangat bijaksana dan objektif. Jika Ulil menolak, maka penolakannya adalah aneh. Karena pemikiran orang beda-beda. MUI juga boleh menolak pemikiran Ulil dan yang lainnya, jika masuk dalam 10 kriteria sesat yang ditetapkan oleh mereka. Pemahaman Ulil tentang al-firqah al-najiah-pun ‘setengah-setengah’. Mungkin ada ‘udang di balik batu’. Ini juga pemikiran Ulil yang “aneh”.

Kedelapan, “oktrin bahwa jika Kitab Suci mengatakan A, maka seluruh usaha rasional harus berhenti. Kitab Suci adalah firman Tuhan, dan firman Tuhan tak mungkin salah. Oleh karena itu, jika Tuhan sudah mengeluarkan sebuah “dekrit” maka seluruh perbincangan harus berhenti. Doktrin ini tercermin dalam sebuah “legal maxim” atau kaidah hukum dalam teori hukum Islam yang berbunyi, “la ijtihada fi mahal al-nass”, tidak ada “independent reasoning” dalam hal-hal di mana teks Kitab Suci sudah mempunyai kata putus. Dengan kata lain, ijtihad harus dihentikan jika Kitab Suci sudah memutuskan sesuatu. Dalam diskursus filsafat modern di Amerika, hal ini disebut sebagai “discussion stopper”, agama sebagai penghenti diskusi. Sudah jelas Kitab Suci terkait dengan konteks sejarah tertentu, dan banyak hal yang dikatakan Kitab Suci sudah tak relevan lagi karena konteks-nya berbeda.”

Ulil salah memahami konsep laa ijtihaada fii mahall al-nash. Ini sudah terjawab dengan kesimpulan akhir tulisannya dalam poin kedelapan ini: “Sudah jelas Kitab Suci terkait dengan konteks sejarah tertentu, dan banyak hal yang dikatakan Kitab Suci sudah tak relevan lagi karena konteks-nya berbeda.” Tapi harus dicatat, bahwa tidak berarti ilqhaa’ al-nash (menghapuskan atau menghilangkan nash yang ada). Sejarah mencatat bagaimana khalifah ‘Umar ra. melakukan hal itu ketika tidak memberikan zakat kepada para mu’allaf. Beliau juga tidak melakukan “potong tangan” orang yang mencuri ketika musim paceklik (al-maja‘ah). (Lihat, Dr. Muhammad ‘Imarah, al-Nash al-Islamiy: Bayna al-Ijtihad, al-Jumud wa al-Tarikhiyyah, cet. I, 1998, hlm. 48-49 dan Dr. Muhammad Sa‘id Ramadhan al-Buthi, Dhawabith al-Mashlalah fi al-Syari‘ah al-Islamiyyah, cet. IV, 2005, hlm. 152-175). Tidak ada yang “baru” dalam pemikiran Ulil. Yang ada hanya “keanehan” di sana-sini.

Kesembilan, doktrin bahwa hukum hanya bisa dibuat oleh “syari‘” atau legislator. Yang disebut legislator dalam konteks Islam adalah Tuhan, kemudian secara derivatif juga Nabi Muhammad. Para ulama atau fukaha datang belakangan sebagai penafsir atas hukum itu, dan pelan-pelan juga menempati kedudukan sebagai “pembuat hukum” atau legislator hukum agama. Doktrin ini angat kuat tertanam dalam Islam.

Doktrin ini juga kuat tertanam dalam agama Yahudi. Deklarasi Qur’an sudah sangat jelas dan sangat “kategorikal” , bahwa Adam dan seluruh keturunannya adalah “khalifah” di muka bumi. “Kekhilafahan” di sini, dalam tafsiran saya, mencakup pula kompetensi untuk menciptakan hukum yang mengatur ketertiban di muka bumi ini. Seluruh individu, dalam pandangan Islam yang saya pahami, adalah obyek dan subyek hukum sekaligus. Dengan kata lain, hukum bukan hanya diciptakan oleh Tuhan, tetapi juga oleh manusia. Manusia secara generis adalah syari’, bukan saja Nabi atau ulama/fukaha.”

Benar, bahwa para fukaha’ datang belakangan. Bisa jadi sebagai ‘penafsir’, atau mujtahid. Dan ini sah-sah saja. Seperti halnya Ulil, boleh menafsirkan kata “kekhilafan”. Ulil bisa jadi “menerima” atau “menolak” penafsiran para fukaha’. Sepertinya halnya yang lain, boleh saja menolak penafsiran Ulil tentang “kekhilafahan”. Ini lebih fair tentunya. Menurut ijmâ‘ ulama, syari‘ adalah Allah, kemudian Rasulullah. Tidak ada seorang ulamapun yang menyatakan bahwa manusia boleh menjadi “syari‘”. Hanya Ulillah yang terlalu su’udzdzann terhadap mereka. Pendapat Ulil terlalu membesar-besarkan yang kecil. Tentu saja ini pemikiran yang “aneh”.

Kesepuluh, “doktrin bahwa Kitab Suci bersifat seluruhnya supra-historis, karena ia adalah firman Tuhan. Karena Tuhan bersifat supra-sejarah, maka firmanNya pun bersifat supra sejarah pula. Karena itu, Kitab Suci juga supra sejarah. Kebenaran Kitab Suci tak terikat dengan ruang dan waktu. Pandangan ini lagi-lagi adalah pandangan yang “angkuh”. Akan lebih proporsional jika kita mengatakan bahwa ada hal-hal yang supra-sejarah dalam Kitab Suci, tetapi juga ada hal-hal lain yang cukup banyak yang terikat dengan sejarah. Bagian Kitab Suci yang “lengket sejarah” ini bisa tidak relevan sama sekali jika keadaan berubah.”
Ulil benar-benar “telat anti-klimaks”. Para ulama ‘ulum al-Qur’an sudah lebih dulu menyatakan hal itu lewat asbab al-nuzul. Bukan hanya itu, masalah semantik Al-Qur’an pun sudah dibahas oleh para ushûliyyûn dalam buku-buku mereka. Lahan garapan pemikiran “aneh” Ulil sebenarnya terlambat. Bagian Kitab Suci tidak ada yang tidak relevan. Semuanya sakral, tidak ada yang profan. Masalah aplikasinya tergantung kesiapan manusia. Bukankah umat Islam masih banyak yang phobia menerapkan “hukum rajam” atau “potong tangan”.

Kesebelas, “doktrin bahwa Islam bisa menjawab semua masalah. Doktrin ini jelas hanya retorika belaka. Sebab pada kenyataannya tidak demikian. Solusi agama atau Islam, jika pun ada, juga tidak mesti sukses dan berhasil. Sebagaimana solusi-solusi sekuler, solusi Islam juga bisa gagal, seperti terbukti dalam banyak kasus.”

Menarik sekali pemikiran Ulil ini. Benar. Doktrin bahwa Islam bisa menjawab semua masalah adalah “retorika belaka”. Karena kebanyakan dari kita hanya doyan berwacana, mengutak-ngatik kata-kata, seperti: teks-konteks, kontekstual, liberasi ijtihâd, fatwa MUI tidak mengikat, tidak boleh ada truth-claim, dlsb. Padahal apa yang kita lakukan adalah paradoks dari apa yang kita ucapkan. Kita hanya bisa ber-kabura maqtan ‘inda Allahi an taquulu maalaa taf’alun (Qs. Al-Shaff [61]: 3).

Hemat penulis, golongan Islam apapun, selama masih berwacana-ria, tidak akan memberikan kotribusi apapun untuk Islam. Islam konservatif, liberal, sekular, normatif, dlsb, sama kasusnya. Yang terpenting adalah: fastabiqul khayrat, bukan fastabiqul munkarat. Bagi kita yang mengaku Muslim, apa yang sudah kita berikan kepada umat ini? Kita menjadi problem solver, atau malah menjadi problem maker?
Dari sebelas poin doktrin yang kurang perlu dalam Islam versi Ulil tidak satupun yang menyajikan sikap tawadlu‘. Yang ada hanya menyalahkan pendapat orang dan sikap orang. Lihatlah saja, dia menyalahkan doktrin Islam dan doktrin Kristen.

Terakhir, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa sebelas “doktrin yang kurang penting” dalam Islam versi Ulil adalah “aneh”. Sekarang memang zaman “aneh”, zaman di mana orang berlomba-lomba untuk “mengencingi sumur Zam Zam”. Khalif tu‘raf, ‘Nyelenehlah, Pasti Engkau Akan Terkenal’.

(Medan, Selasa: 8 Januari 2008).

From: Qosim Nursheha Dzulhadi <>
Subject: [INSISTS] “Kritik atas Ulil Absar ihwal Kemaksuman Nabi” (Untuk Ulil)


-muslim voice-

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Is This What Happened on 9/11?

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Is This What Happened on 9/11?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Let’s quickly review some odd facts about 9/11:

  • The 9/11 flights were quite empty compared to normal flights (pp. 52-53)
  • On the very morning of 9/11/01, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies, including one “live fly” exercise using REAL planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony — see transcript here or video here (6 minutes and 12 seconds into the video). See this, this (exercise was moved back to 9/11), and this

So, here’s my question: Were the 9/11 planes actually part of war games involving two teams – the “Blue Team” and “Red Team” (war games often involve opposing teams to test the ability of “bad guys” to penetrate U.S. defenses)? Specifically:

  • Was 9/11 was an exercise in remote control flying that was commandeered so that the planes flew into the World Trade Center and Pentagon?

– Or –

  • Did the hijackers play the Red Team who tried to defeat national defenses, and did the guys who were supposed to stop them (the Blue Team), fail to stop them? Remember that the government agent who infiltrated the alleged terror cell asked the FBI to substitute fake powder for real explosives, but the FBI turned him down.

Note: I am not saying this is what happened. I am just asking questions and putting forward two potential hypotheses which – like any hypotheses – should be tested against the available facts to see whether they should be discarded or accepted.



-muslim voice-

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Montreal 911 Truth Movement Averts Mossad Metro Terror Plot

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Montreal 911 Truth Movement Averts Mossad Metro Terror Plot

Posted by anarchore on March 29, 2008

Recently the makings of a plot for a 7/7 style terrorist attack by Israeli Mossad terrorists against Montreal’s Metro was exposed.

Who discovered this?

Was it the RCMP, the globalist police force that has made a name for itself by taser torture of Canadians and high corruption?

No, we can’t count on the RCMP for anything other than backing Harper and his Zionist terrorist propaganda.

Was it CSIS, the intrepid national security outfit that watched as the Air India bombers plotted mass death but did nothing to stop it?

No, CSIS can be counted on to do nothing while Canada is in danger.

The government will not stop the next terror attacks planned for Canada, because they are intimately involved with the masters of false flag terror, the Isrealis.

Pro-Israel Zionists placed by treasonous Canadian politicians now hold important posts in Canada’s Parliament(the Isreali allies caucus), Supreme Court, and the CBC.

Other Israeli agents own media monopolies, like CanWest Global, which always stresses the pro-Israel side, and conspires to swindle Canadians with War on Terror propaganda. They actually want a terror attack on Canada, so they can pour on even more propaganda for Israel inspired wars.

In a country full of enemies in the top government posts, who saved Canada from a 7/7 attack by pointing out the preparations for terror?

It was the “conspiracy theorists”.

They did research on Verint -the company that got the contract for video surveillance of Montreal’s Metro subway system- and found connections to the terrorist Israeli Mossad.

No secret police is necessary, it is plain to see that averting terror involves watching the scum in power and who they are dealing with.

Much thanks to Montreal 911 Truth for exposing the Israeli terrorist connections to the Metro security company, and possibly averting the Canadian 7/7.

Mtl 911 truth released a documentary showing that companies tied to the terrorist state of Israel’s intelligence(read:terrorists) are surveilling the transit system.

In the 7/7 attacks on Britain, video surveillance was tampered with.

State terror plots like 7/7 required that the video be under the control of the conspirators, so the manufactured story(Arab terrorists) would appear seamless.

Who knows how long before “D-Day” would have hit Montreal if this had not been discovered?

The attacks would have been blamed on Arabs, Stephen Harper and Stockwell Day would make speeches about the need to stand by the noble Israelis in the War on Terror, and the Zionist dream of endless war for Canada in Israel’s interests would be fullfilled.

The Isreali terrorist fiend Benjamin Netanyahu would be invited to speak at huge state sponsored Red Friday rallies, telling us how Israel feels our pain.

Harper would enact the new terror legislation they no doubt have waiting in the wings just as the PATRIOT ACT was released way too soon after the 9/11 attacks, almost like they were expecting it.

You can download the whole movie here:




If you need to get up to speed on the Israeli terrorists:

Israeli terrorists arrested in connection with 911 released later by
dual Israeli Chertoff.

Israeli terrorist ally Harper installs a secret “Isreal Allies Caucus” in

Schofield Stepford Wife the Dishonourable Minister of Unsafe Public
Safety Stockwell Day signs deal with Israel.

Israel needs to be investigated for it’s role in 911 and due to it’s policy of political killings of the Palestinian opposition be considered a terrorist rogue state, for all it’s posturing as a so-called democracy.

Israel lobby groups in Canada should be investigated and have their
funds seized for support of terror.

Pro-Israel media should be investigated, and broken up due to the
pernicious influence on the country of their war-on-terror,
give-up-your-rights, fight-wars-for-Israhell propaganda.

Right now the Israel Lobby can make or break any politician in Canada.

They are the only group who could have managed to whip the Liberals
into capitulating on the Afghanistan war extension.

This is not the first time that Israeli companies have done “security”, in the lead up to terror. Remember a fateful day now known as 9/11?

Below are 2 historic documents of interest to 9/11 and its Logan Airport,Boston,Massachusetts connections.

One is a press release from the Israeli run U.S. penny stock ’security’ company named ICTS International that ‘guarded’ or ‘protected’ both Logan and Newark, New Jersey airports on 9/11/01.ICTS International perhaps had duties in Dulles Airport as well as the Marvin Bush-Al-Sabah Securacom.So in both cases we have non-American ’security’ although the Al-Sabah and Bush connection to both Dulles and the WTC security should have been scrutinized much more than W Bush allowed,including his father and ex-president George Herbert Walker Bush’s role in bringing Kuwaitis to be in charge of guarding strategic U.S. airports and real estate in the first place !



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Racist Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Racist Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs

Mass Jerusalem service marks one-month anniversary of deadly attack on Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary. ‘We do not seek vengeance, we seek retaliation,’ says yeshiva head says

Kobi Nahshoni

Rabbi Eliyhau Photo: Gil Yohanan

Published: 04.03.08, 21:03

Some 1,000 people attended a memorial service at the Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary Thursday, marking the one-month anniversary of the murderous attack which claimed the lives of eight young men.

Also attending the service were many prominent rabbis of the Religious Zionist Movement, who were not shy about expressing their rage against the government’s policy.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, head of the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, chose to explain the attack by saying that “the Torah and the land of Israel are acquired only through agony.”

Former Sephardi chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu called on the government to decree that for every life lost in the attack another yeshiva and township will be formed.

Remembering the fallen. The memorial (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

“Even when we seek revenge, it is important to make one thing clear – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs.

“The Talmud states that if gentiles rob Israel of silver they will pay it back in gold, and all that is taken will be paid back in folds, but in cases like these there is nothing to pay back, since as I said – the life of one yeshiva boy is worth more than the lives of 1,000 Arabs,” added Rabbi Eliyahu.

Ramat Gan’s chief rabbi, Yaacov Ariel, chose to deliver a more moderate message: “We do not seek vengeance, we seek retaliation. The terrorist’s house should have been demolished immediately, regardless of the law. It should have been done because it was a matter of life and death – the deterrence could help save future lives.”

“We are against killing innocent people or harming children,” he added, “but once terrorists hide behind children, we have to strike back. The blood of those living in Sderot is worth just as much as the blood of those the terrorists hide behind.”

Mercaz Harav will be holding a vigil in memory of those killed in the attack all through Thursday night.



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Was Killing Iraqi Children Worth It?

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Was Killing Iraqi Children Worth It?

By Jacob G. Hornberger

04/04/08 “fff” — -A snapshot of the opening scene in the U.S. invasion of Iraq provides an excellent insight into the immorality and horror of the entire operation, from start to whenever it finally finishes.

According to an article in yesterday’s New York Times, at the outset of the invasion the U.S. military dropped bombs on a palatial compound in which Saddam Hussein was hiding. The article states:

“But instead of killing the Iraqi dictator, they had killed Mr. Kharbit’s older brother, Malik al-Kharbit – the very man who had led the family’s negotiations with the C.I.A. to topple Mr. Hussein. The bombings also killed 21 other people, including children, and the fury it aroused has been widely believed to have helped kick-start the insurgency in western Iraq.”

Now, that episode has at least two important lessons.

First, prior to the invasion the popular mantra among U.S. officials and many private Americans was the need to “get Saddam.” But as we often pointed out here at The Future of Freedom Foundation, it was never going to be just a question of “getting Saddam.” Instead, it was going to be a question of how many Iraqi people, including children, U.S. forces would have to kill before they “got Saddam.”

The article doesn’t state whether the U.S. military had actual knowledge that there were innocent people, including children, in the compound that it bombed. But it is a virtual certainty that they did have such knowledge. After all, if their intelligence was sufficiently good to know that Saddam was hiding in the compound, it had to be sufficiently good to know that there were other people living in the compound, including children.

Thus, when the U.S. military dropped those bombs, it had to be with the full knowledge that they would be killing innocent people in the process, including the children. And even if they didn’t “know” that there were innocent people in the compound at the time they dropped the bombs, they knew that there were dropping the bombs in reckless disregard of whether there were innocent people there or not.

The fact is that U.S. officials didn’t care whether there were innocents, including children, in that compound. Those children and their parents were obviously considered a small price to pay if Saddam Hussein had been killed at the outset of the war.

Of course, this attitude would match the attitude taken by U.S. officials throughout the period of the brutal sanctions that were enforced from 1991 to 2003. As tens of thousands of Iraqi children were dying year after year from the sanctions, the U.S. attitude was that those deaths were a small price to pay for ridding Iraq of Saddam Hussein. That’s why UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright, upon being asked whether the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi from the sanctions were worth it, she replied that yes – they were “worth it.” She was expressing the sentiment of the U.S. government, a sentiment that manifested itself again in the bombing of the compound in which those Iraqi children and their families were killed.

Second, the killing of those children and their families is just one example of how U.S. foreign policy has engendered anger and hatred for the United States, which produces the threat of terrorist retaliation, which brings about the “war on terrorism,” which results in more interventions, more massive military spending, and ever-increasing loss of liberty at home.

Let me repeat what the Times article said: “The bombings also killed 21 other people, including children, and the fury it aroused has been widely believed to have helped kick-start the insurgency in western Iraq.”

Now, ask yourself: Why has the U.S. government been occupying Iraq for the past 5 years? Didn’t they already “get” Saddam? Hasn’t he already been executed?

The answer is that U.S. officials, having “gotten” Saddam must now “get” the “bad guys” in Iraq. And who are the “bad guys?” They’re the Iraqis who are angry over the killing of Iraqis, including women and children, who had to be killed in the process of “getting Saddam.”

As they continue to bomb all these “bad guys,” they continue to kill more innocents, including more Iraqi children and their families, which then incites more fury, which then causes more “bad guys” to join the insurgency. Those additional “bad guys” are then used as the excuse to continue the occupation of Iraq, an occupation that for obvious reasons will go on indefinitely.

To state what I consider self-evident moral truths, it was morally wrong and a grave violation of God’s laws to:

(1) attack a country whose government and citizenry had never attacked the United States;

(2) kill Iraqis, including children and their families, in order to achieve regime change in Iraq; and

(3) kill Iraqis, including children and their families, in order to spread “democracy” to Iraq.

One can only wonder whether the American people, in crises of conscience, will ever confront such issues.



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Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography used as a Weapon Against Gentiles


Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles

The following is an excerpt from one of the new additions to my book, Jewish Supremacism. It offers more powerful evidence that reveals the Jewish extremist war against Gentiles, a struggle that we Gentiles are not even allowed to know about, much less resist. The new edition of Jewish Supremacism will be available for purchase in about three weeks at

From the new 2007 Edition of Jewish Supremacism by David Duke

After learning about the inordinate Jewish involvement in organized crime, historical slavery and modern white slavery, it did not surprise me when I began to learn of their domination of pornography. Just as Jewish scholars faithfully recorded the Jewish domination of the African slave trade so they have also documented their prominent role in pornography.

In a respected and scholarly magazine of Jewish intellectuals, (The Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,” proudly documents the leading role of Gentile-hating Jews in pornography.

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer that the ‘triple exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue’ Jews.

Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. …

In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. …

Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew – he was a generous donator to Jewish charities. …

Abrams shows how the corruption and debasement of Gentiles and Christian morality is a primary part of their motivation for intentionally infecting the Gentile community with pornography.

Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? …

Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. …

Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. …

Opposition to Jewish extremist subversion of Gentile, Christian or Muslim morality is frequently defined as anti-Semitic “hatred” in the Jewish dominated media. Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the “atavistic hatred” against us by Jewish pornographers and their motivation to “weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”

Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.” …

Obviously, there are no articles in the mainstream media exposing Jewish “atavistic hatred” against Gentiles by the promoters of pornographic depravity. Abrams even goes on to talk about the roots of this revolutionary Jewish attack on European values.

Jews were also at the vanguard of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Paul Goodman replaced Marx, Trotsky and Lenin as required revolutionary reading. …

Pacheco was one Jewish porn star who read Reich’s intellectual marriage of Freud and Marx. …

In light of the relatively tolerant Jewish view of sex, why are we ashamed of the Jewish role in the porn industry? We might not like it, but the Jewish role in this field has been significant and it is about time it was written about seriously.

Notice that all those mentioned: Reich, Marcuse, Goodman, Marx, Trotsky, Lenin and Freud are Jews. From Freud to Goodman, all represent a Jewish revolution against traditional European values and morality.

When sick Jewish pornographers are part of the brutality of Jewish organized crime, the results can obviously be horrifically tragic for our people. In 2000, a Jewish “Russian” organized crime ring was uncovered that specialized in kidnapping Russian children, some as young as two years old, from parks and orphanages and then subjecting them to rape, torture and murder, all on video tape. These tapes were sold to thousands of Jewish and Gentile perverts all over the world. When police in Italy were frustrated by lack of action by the authorities they released some of the video footage to an Italian network which then showed some of the graphic images hoping to cause public outrage. Instead of outrage against the Jewish murderers the TV producers suffered outrage for showing the disturbing images.

In spite of the horror and obvious newsworthiness of this international Jewish child porn/murder operation, it received little coverage in the media in the United States. When Seth Bekenstein, the ring’s American distributor was arrested, there was little publicity, and in spite of being a part of one of the most horrific criminal activities imaginable, he was sentenced to only 18 months on guilty plea.

Porn is no longer 1950s pictures of voluptuous nude women on a deserted beach. It has become permeated with sadism, masochism, scatology, even sexual molestation, rape and murder of young children. I am no prude. I love the beauty of the human body. But, I do think that this kind of sick criminal activity, in which there is so much exploitation, so much degradation, so much catering to the depths of human depravity, should be fought with constitutional law.

Ironically, with Jewish influence over media, societal mores, and government today, it is legal, even chic to make and sell the sickest pornography showing the sick defilement of women. But, if you have unacceptable political opinions about Jewish supremacism, you may find yourself a political and social pariah, or at worst in prison. We live in a Jewish supremacist world where often the sickest porn is legal while political incorrect opinions will land you in prison.



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Secret DOJ Memo Says Fourth Amendment Has “No Application” After 9/11

Posted by musliminsuffer on April 5, 2008

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Secret DOJ Memo Says Fourth Amendment Has “No Application” After 9/11

Disclosure of classified documents reveal total dismissal of U.S. Constitution

Steve Watson

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The American Civil Liberties Union has uncovered details pertaining to a secret Justice Department memo from October 2001 that reveals the Bush administration effectively suspended the Fourth Amendment where domestic counter terrorism operations are concerned.

The ACLU reports that the memo states the “Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.” after 9/11. In other words, the DOJ gave the White House a green light to effectively shelve Constitutional protection against unreasonable searches and seizures in the wake of the terror attacks.

The memo was written by then deputy assistant attorney general John Yoo, also the co-author of the PATRIOT Act and author of the now notorious torture memos.

It is almost certain that Yoo’s memo was written to provide a legal basis for the NSA, a military intelligence agency, to begin its warrantless wiretapping program, which was initiated in the same month.

Just days after the memo’s delivery to the White House, Dick Cheney and other administration officials briefed four House and Senate leaders on the NSA’s secret terrorist surveillance program for the first time.

The existence of the 2001 memo came to light via a newly declassified March 2003 document from the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) entitled Military Interrogation of Alien Unlawful Combatants Held Outside the United States, which makes reference to the previous memo.

The ACLU reports that this second memo takes the erosion of the Constitution beyond the Fourth Amendment and makes the case that the central due process guarantee of the Fifth Amendment, the protection against deprivation of life, liberty and property, can also be bypassed by the President.

“This memo makes a mockery of the Constitution and the rule of law,” said Amrit Singh, a staff attorney with the ACLU. “That it was issued by the Justice Department, whose job it is to uphold the law, makes it even more unconscionable.”

The March 2003 document was declassified by the Pentagon in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the ACLU pertaining to the torture of prisoners in U.S. custody abroad.

In a footnote of the document it is written “Our office recently concluded that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations”, referring to a document titled Authority for Use of Military Force to Combat Terrorist Activities Within the United States.

“The recent disclosures underscore the Bush administration’s extraordinarily sweeping conception of executive power,” said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU’s National Security Project. “The administration’s lawyers believe the president should be permitted to violate statutory law, to violate international treaties, and even to violate the Fourth Amendment inside the U.S. They believe that the president should be above the law.”

The AP reports that the Justice Department has refused to say if and when the legal opinion expressed in the two newly discovered memos was overturned internally, meaning that it could still be considered legally acceptable to forgo constitutional protections on the President’s say so.

The ACLU has challenged the withholding of the October 2001 memo and the issue is pending before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.



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